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Mars: a small terrestrial planet




Mars is characterized by geological landforms familiar to terrestrial geologists. It has a tenuous atmosphere that evolved differently from that of Earth and Venus and a differentiated inner structure. Our knowledge of the structure and evolution of Mars has strongly improved thanks to a huge amount of data of various types (visible and infrared imagery, altimetry, radar, chemistry, etc) acquired by a dozen of missions over the last two decades. In situ data have provided ground truth for remote-sensing data and have opened a new era in the study of Mars geology. While large sections of Mars science have made progress and new topics have emerged, a major question in Mars exploration-the possibility of past or present life-is still unsolved. Without entering into the debate around the presence of life traces, our review develops various topics of Mars science to help the search of life on Mars, building on the most recent discoveries, going from the exosphere to the interior structure, from the magmatic evolution to the currently active processes, including the fate of volatiles and especially liquid water.
机译:火星的特点是陆地地质学家熟悉的地质地貌。它具有一个脆弱的气氛,从地球和金星和差异化的内部结构的发展方向变化。我们对火星的结构和演变的了解,由于在过去二十年中有十几个任务获得的各种类型(可见和红外图像,高度,雷达,化学等)的大量数据。原位数据为遥感数据提供了基础真相,并在火星地质研究中开辟了新的时代。虽然大部分火星科学取得了进步,并且出现了新的主题,但火星探索的一个主要问题 - 过去或现在的可能性 - 仍未解决。在不进入生活痕迹的存在周围的辩论中,我们的评论开发了MARS科学的各种主题,以帮助寻找MARS的生活,从岩石的演变到内部结构的最新发现,从大部分圈到内部结构目前活跃的过程,包括挥发物的命运,尤其是液态水。



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