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Patent Highlights December 2018-January 2019

机译:专利亮点2018年12月 - 2019年1月

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The nociceptin (previously, orphanin FQ) receptor is the fourth member of the opioid receptor superfamily. Nociceptin inhibits the expression of cocaine-induced conditioned place preference in the rat [i], but is without effect on place preference in cocaine-naive rats even at high intracerebroventricular doses. Griinenthal s cebranopadol (GRT-6005), an almost full high-affinity agonist at both nociceptin and (J.-opiod receptors [2], was equivalent to morphine in a Phase III clinical trial of patients with cancer-related pain. The discriminative stimulus exerted by its ^.-receptor agonism seems to be reduced by its nociceptin receptor agonism [3]. Considering all the above, nociceptin receptor agonists should be devoid of abuse liability not only as analgesics but also as therapeutics for stimulant addiction. Indeed, rat experiments showed that cebranopadol (25 or 50 M-g/kg p.o.) significantly reduced cocaine self-administration, without development of tolerance, under fixed and progressive ratio schedules of reinforcements indicating reduced motivation for cocaine following drug treatment. Neither the nociceptin receptor blocker SB-612111 nor naltrexone alone were able to antagonize cebranopadol-induced reduction of cocaine self-administration; however, they did so completely when coadministered. Cebranopadol also attenuated yohimbine- and cue-induced reinstatement of heroin seeking, a finding that has been, in part, addressed by GrunenthaTs WO/2016/116280. Note that similar effects have recently been reported for a pure nociception agonist, AT-312 (Astraea Therapeutics LLC) [4].
机译:Nociceptin(以前,孤儿林FQ)受体是阿片受体超家族的第四构件。 Nociceptin抑制了可卡因诱导的条件偏好在大鼠[I]中的表达,但是甚至在高颅内腔内剂量下也没有对可卡因 - 幼稚大鼠的偏好。 Grienthal S蠕虫(GRT-6005),伤害蛋白和(J.-OPIOD受体[2]的几乎全高亲和力激动剂,相当于癌症相关疼痛患者的III期临床试验中的吗啡。辨别性通过其^ .-受体激动主义施用的刺激似乎被其伤害素受体激动症减少了[3]。考虑到上述所有,伤虫素受体激动剂不仅缺乏滥用责任,而不仅是镇痛药,而且是刺激性成瘾的治疗方法。确实,大鼠实验表明,在药物治疗后的增援性的固定和渐进比例下,Cecharopadol(25或50mg / kg PO)显着降低了可卡因自我给药,而不会产生耐受性的耐受性,表明药物治疗后可卡因的动机降低。伤害素受体阻滞剂仅612111和Naltrexone不能拮抗鸬鹚诱导的可卡因自我管理的减少;但是,当Coadministe时,它们完全如此完全红色的。塞克兰·普罗尔还减弱了尤其滨和提示症状的海洛因寻求恢复,这是一部分,一直由Grunenthats WO / 2016/116280解决。注意,最近据报道了纯伤害激动剂,AT-312(Astraea Therapeutics LLC)[4]的类似效果[4]。




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