首页> 外文期刊>Parasitology Research >Prevalence, morphology, and molecular analysis of Serrasentis sagittifer (Acanthocephala: Palaeacanthocephala: Rhadinorhynchidae), a parasite of the gilthead Sea bream Sparus aurata (Sparidae)

Prevalence, morphology, and molecular analysis of Serrasentis sagittifer (Acanthocephala: Palaeacanthocephala: Rhadinorhynchidae), a parasite of the gilthead Sea bream Sparus aurata (Sparidae)

机译:患病率,形态学和Serrasentis Sagittifer的分子分析(Acanthocephala:Palaeacanthocephala:rhadinorhynchidae),寄生虫的吉尔特对海泡鲷Sparus aurata(Sparidae)

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Seventy specimens of the gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata of the Red Sea were collected during the period from March to November 2013; they were dissected and examined for parasitic acanthocephalans. Only 40 (57.14 %) specimens were found to be naturally infected with Serrasentis sagittifer belonging to family Rhadinorhynchidae. The infection was recorded in the intestine, pyloric ceca, and the external surfaces of some internal organs of the infected fish. Seasonally, the prevalence of infection was increased to 77.14 % during summer season and decreased to 37.14 % during winter. Light and scanning electron microscopic investigation revealed that the adult worm was elongated (with broad anterior and narrow posterior ends) and measured 6.9-8.6 (7.6±0.2)×0.57-0.73 (0.63±0.02) mm for male and 10.2-12.1 (11.5±0.2)×0.71-0.82 (0.76±0.02) mm for female. Proboscis was long and cylindrical with a length of 0.97-1.6 mm (1.2±0.2) for male and 1.12-1.17 mm (1.14±0.02) for female. It was covered with numerous uniform spines arranged longitudinally as 9-11 rows each equipped by 15-18 spines. Spines were triangular, arrow-shaped, strong, and covered with cuticular theca; they decreased in size from the apex to the base of the proboscis. The proboscis is followed by a short spineless neck region followed by the body proper which is supported by multiple combs of spines (16-20) on its ventral surface. Molecular analysis of 18S rDNA sequence for the parasite demonstrated a close identity (>83 %) between the present acanthocephalan and other previously described species within class Palaeacanthocephala with 98 % identity with the previously recorded S. sagittifer (acc. no. JX014227) which is supported by the morphological data and the presence of trunk spines arranged within rows (comb-like) and the presence of four cement glands in the males. So, according to the records of morphological and molecular analyses, the present parasite is classified as S. sagittifer belonging to class Palaeacanthocephala and family Rhadinorhynchidae with a new host record from the gilthead sea bream S. aurata of the Red Sea.
机译:在2013年3月至11月的期间内收集了红海的七十六个吉尔特海鲷Sparus奥拉塔;对它们进行解剖并检查寄生蜡氨基。发现只有40个(57.14%)标本是自然感染属于FamilyRhadinorhynchidae的Serrasentis Sagittifer。感染记录在肠,幽门CECA和感染鱼的一些内脏的外表面上。季节性地,感染的患病率在夏季增加到77.14%,冬季下降至37.14%。光和扫描电子显微镜调查显示,成人蜗杆伸长(具有宽的前躯和窄后端),测量为6.9-8.6(7.6±0.2)×0.57-0.73(0.63±0.02)mm,10.2-12.1(11.5 ±0.2)×0.71-0.82(0.76±0.02)mm,适用于雌性。长度长而圆柱形,长度为0.97-1.6毫米(1.2±0.2),雌性为1.12-1.17毫米(1.14±0.22)。它覆盖着许多均匀的刺,纵向排列为9-11行,每个行都配备了15-18个刺。脊椎是三角形,箭头形,强,并用有粘性的theca覆盖;它们的大小从顶点减少到高管的基础。高管之后是短椎骨颈部区域,然后是身体正确的主体,其由脊椎表面上的多个胶囊(16-20)支撑。寄生虫的18秒rDNA序列的分子分析证明了本发明的帕蒽齐和其他先前描述的物种之间的密切同一性(> 83%),与先前记录的S. SAGITIFER(ACC。NO.JX014227)的98%同一性由形态数据和形态数据的支持以及排列在行(梳状)内的树干刺以及雄性中四个水泥腺的存在。因此,根据形态学和分子分析的记录,本寄生虫被归类为属于帕拉西氏菌和家庭Rhadinorhynchidae的S. Sagitifer,从红海的Gilthead Sea Bream S. Aurata的新主机记录。



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