首页> 外文期刊>Mycologia >Nivicolous Stemonitales from the Austral Andes: analysis of morphological variability, distribution and phenology as a first step toward testing the large-scale coherence of species and biogeographical properties

Nivicolous Stemonitales from the Austral Andes: analysis of morphological variability, distribution and phenology as a first step toward testing the large-scale coherence of species and biogeographical properties


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Nivicolous myxomycetes occur at the edge of spring-melting snow in mountainous areas. They are mostly considered cosmopolitan species morphologically and ecologically uniform across their entire distribution ranges. Thus, long-distance dispersal has been suggested to be the main mechanism shaping their ranges and geographical variability patterns. To test this hypothesis we conducted the first detailed analysis of morphological variability, occurrence frequency and phenology of nivicolous myxomycetes collected in the hitherto unexplored Austral Andes of South America (southern hemisphere = SH) in the comparative context of data from the northern hemisphere (NH). We used Stemonitales, the most representative and numerous taxonomic order in nivicolous myxomycetes, as a model. A total of 131 South American collections represented 13 species or morphotypes. One of them, Lanzproderma andinum, is new to science and described here. Several others, L. aeneum, L. album, L. pulveratum, "Meriderma aff. aggregatum ad. int.", M. carestiae and "M. spinulosporum ad. int.", were previously unknown from the SH. Lamproderma ovoideum is reported for the first time from South America and Collaria nigricapillitia is new for Argentina. The fine-scale morphological analysis of all species from the study area and reference NH material demonstrated a high intraspecific variability in most of them. This suggests isolation and independent evolutionary processes among remote populations. On the other hand, the uniform morphology of a few species indicates that long-distance dispersal is also an effective mechanism, although not as universal as usually assumed, in some nivicolous myxomycetes. Analysis of nivicolous species assemblages also showed significant differences among major geographic regions in that the Stemonitales were significantly less common in the SH than in the NH. Furthermore, the occurrence of nivicolous species in summer and autumn, out of the typical phenological season, is recognized as a possible distinctive phenomenon for the SH populations.
机译:在山区的春天融化的雪边缘发生夜洞肌细胞瘤。它们主要在其整个分销范围内使用形态地和生态均匀地考虑过宇宙。因此,已经提出了长途分散作为塑造它们的范围和地理变异图案的主要机制。为了测试这一假设,我们进行了第一次详细分析了北半球(NH)数据的比较背景下迄今为止南美洲(南半球= SH)中收集的九胞菌和南美洲(南半球= SH)中收集的幼稚肌瘤的发生频率和候选的第一次详细分析。我们使用斯法尼利查斯,最具代表性和众多分类症,作为夜洞肌细胞瘤,作为模型。共有131个南美藏品代表13种或Mor型号。其中一个人Lanzproderma和ininum是科学和这里描述的新的。几个其他人,L.Aeneum,L. Album,L. Pulveratum,“Meriderma Aff。ingregatum广告。”,M.Carestiae和“M. Spinulosporum Ad。”,从SH中以前未知。来自南美洲和科拉里亚Nigricapillitia的第一次报道Lamproderma Ovoideum是阿根廷的新型。来自研究区和参考NH材料的所有物种的微量形态分析表明了大多数大多数内的具有高的内部内部变异性。这表明远程人群中的隔离和独立的进化过程。另一方面,少数物种的均匀形态表明,长距离分散也是一种有效的机制,尽管在一些幼稚的肌瘤中通常不像通常都假定一样普及。邪恶物种组合的分析也表现出主要地理区域的显着差异,因为斯法内勒在SH中显着不太常见于NH。此外,夏季和秋季的幼稚物种出现典型的纯种季节,被认为是SH群体可能的独特现象。



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