首页> 外文期刊>Military Medicine: Official Journal of AMSUS, The Society of the Federal Health Agencies >Graduate medical education in combat support hospitals: an enlightening experience in a British-led combat support hospital.

Graduate medical education in combat support hospitals: an enlightening experience in a British-led combat support hospital.


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Providing behavioral health care to numerous beneficiaries spread over a large and dangerous area is a unique and challenging responsibility faced by the U.S. Army in the deployed environment. We describe the use of telebehavioral health as one tool available to behavioral health officers in Afghanistan to reach remote service members when face-to-face encounters are not possible or practical. Finally, challenges to the current telebehavioral system established during Operation Enduring Freedom are discussed, with recommendations made for implementation in future deployed settings.
机译:为众多受益者提供行为保健,这些受益者在一个大型和危险的地区传播是美国军队在部署环境中面临的独特而挑战性的责任。 我们描述了在阿富汗的行为卫生官员中使用Tentbehaviorale Health作为一个工具,以便在面对面遭遇时无法到达远程服务成员。 最后,讨论了在经营持久自由期间建立的当前Contbehavioral系统的挑战,并在将来部署的设置中实施了建议。



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