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Counting the crop


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On a humid July morning, growers Bob and Thom Betts were out in their Concord vineyards, harvesting hard green grapes. Guided by a multi-colored map of productivity zones in the block, they gathered and weighed small samples of unripe grapes to get amore accurate view of their crop load — ranging from 3 tons an acre to 11 tons an acre—well in advance of harvest."What we're doing first is just crop estimating. When we get done with that block, if it needs thinned, we'll go back and thin the higher yield areas," said Thom Betts, ashe guided the harvester, equipped with yield monitors, toward a sampling zone. The zone, 100th of an acre, or 48 feet along a row, was highlighted on the map on his interactive display. "The color zones represent the vigor, and we want the harvester to take different amounts of fruit off in different vigor zones."
机译:在7月早上潮湿的早晨,种植者鲍勃和Thom Betts在他们的康科德葡萄园里出现,收获硬绿葡萄。 由块中的生产力区的多彩色地图为指导,它们收集并称重了未成熟的葡萄样品,以便在收获之前从3吨到11吨到11吨到11吨到11吨的准确看法。收获之前 “我们首先做的只是作物估计。当我们用那个块完成时,如果它需要变薄,我们会回到更高的产量区域时,”Thom Betts说,Ashe引导了收割机,配备了 屈服监测器,朝向抽样区。 在他的交互式显示屏上,在地图上突出显示该区域,100张英亩或48英尺的行。 “颜色区域代表活力,我们希望收割机在不同的活力区域采取不同的果实。”



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