首页> 外文期刊>Genetics: A Periodical Record of Investigations Bearing on Heredity and Variation >High-Throughput Characterization of Cascade type I-E CRISPR Guide Efficacy Reveals Unexpected PAM Diversity and Target Sequence Preferences

High-Throughput Characterization of Cascade type I-E CRISPR Guide Efficacy Reveals Unexpected PAM Diversity and Target Sequence Preferences

机译:级联I-E CRISPR指南效能的高吞吐量表征揭示了意外的PAM多样性和目标序列偏好

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Interactions between Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat (CRISPR) RNAs and CRISPR-associated (Cas) proteins form an RNA-guided adaptive immune system in prokaryotes. The adaptive immune system utilizes segments of the genetic material of invasive foreign elements in the CRISPR locus. The loci are transcribed and processed to produce small CRISPR RNAs (crRNAs), with degradation of invading genetic material directed by a combination of complementarity between RNA and DNA and in some cases recognition of adjacent motifs called PAMs (Protospacer Adjacent Motifs). Here we describe a general, high-throughput procedure to test the efficacy of thousands of targets, applying this to the Escherichia coli type I-E Cascade (CRISPR-associated complex for antiviral defense) system. These studies were followed with reciprocal experiments in which the consequence of CRISPR activity was survival in the presence of a lytic phage. From the combined analysis of the Cascade system, we found that (i) type I-E Cascade PAM recognition is more expansive than previously reported, with at least 22 distinct PAMs, with many of the noncanonical PAMs having CRISPR-interference abilities similar to the canonical PAMs; (ii) PAM positioning appears precise, with no evidence for tolerance to PAM slippage in interference; and (iii) while increased guanine-cytosine (GC) content in the spacer is associated with higher CRISPR-interference efficiency, high GC content (>62.5%) decreases CRISPR-interference efficiency. Our findings provide a comprehensive functional profile of Cascade type I-E interference requirements and a method to assay spacer efficacy that can be applied to other CRISPR-Cas systems.
机译:聚类之间的相互作用定期间隙短文重复(CRISPR)RNA和CRISPR相关(CAS)蛋白在原核生物中形成RNA引导的适应性免疫系统。自适应免疫系统利用CRISPR基因座中侵入异物的遗传物质的遗传物质。将基因座转录并加工以产生小的CRISPRNA(CRRNA),具有通过RNA和DNA之间的互补性的组合而导致的入侵遗传物质的降解,并且在某些情况下识别称为PAM的相邻基序(Protospacer相邻的基序)。在这里,我们描述了一般的高吞吐量,以测试数千种目标的疗效,将其应用于大肠杆菌类型I-E级联(CRISPR相关的抗病防御复合物)系统。随后进行了这些研究,互殖实验,其中CRISPR活性的后果在裂解噬菌体存在下存在。从级联系统的综合分析中,我们发现(i)型IE级联Pam识别比以前报道的更广泛,其中至少22个不同的粉斑,许多非CANONICE PAM具有与规范PAM类似的CRISPR-THEREFIES能力; (ii)PAM定位似乎确切地说,没有证据表明干扰的帕姆滑动的差异; (iii)虽然间隔物中的鸟嘌呤 - 胞嘧啶(GC)含量增加与较高的CRISPR干扰效率相关,但高GC含量(> 62.5%)降低了CISPRPR-THEREAFE效率。我们的调查结果提供了级联I-E干扰要求的综合功能性,以及用于测定可应用于其他CRISPR-CAS系统的间隔效能的方法。



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