首页> 外文期刊>Experimental Neurology >The interaction between the dopaminergic forebrain projections and the medial prefrontal cortex is critical for memory of objects: Implications for Parkinson's disease

The interaction between the dopaminergic forebrain projections and the medial prefrontal cortex is critical for memory of objects: Implications for Parkinson's disease


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Neuropsychological and neuroimaging studies have implicated the dopaminergic nigrostriatal pathway and the prefrontal cortex in learning and memory deficits in patients with Parkinson's disease. However, little is known about how these two brain regions interact in the processing of learning and memory. We employed a disconnection procedure to test whether interaction of these regions contributes to performance in various memory tasks. Male rats received either a unilateral injection of 6-hydroxydopamine into the nigro-striatal tract or a unilateral NMDA lesion in the medial prefrontal cortex, or both these lesions combined in either the same or opposite hemispheres. Spontaneous object exploration, spatial working memory, locomotor, emotional and sensorimotor tests were administered. Only the group with both lesions placed in opposite hemispheres failed to show object recognition memory. None of the groups treated with 6-hydroxydopamine showed intact temporal order memory, whereas only the groups that received combined lesions failed to show object-in-place and spatial recognition memory. No differences between groups were found in the spatial working memory test. Our data indicate that locomotor, emotional and sensorimotor factors are not likely to confound the results of the memory tests. Thus, the interaction between the dopaminergic forebrain projections, particularly the nigrostriatal dopamine, and the medial prefrontal cortex is critical for object recognition memory but not for spatial working memory in rats.
机译:神经心理学和神经影像学研究对帕金森病患者的学习和记忆缺陷中的学习和记忆缺陷中的前额叶皮质致力于预称的皮质。然而,关于这两个脑区如何在学习和记忆的加工中互动的知之甚少。我们采用了断开的过程来测试这些区域的交互是否有助于各种内存任务的性能。雄性大鼠接受单侧注射6-羟基多胺,进入Nigro-Priatal Cortex中的单侧纹状体或单侧NMDA病变,或者这些病变两者在相同或相反的半球中组合。施用自发的对象探索,空间工作记忆,机车,情绪和感官电流测试。只有与两个病变的组只放在相反的半球中未能显示对象识别存储器。含有6-羟基多胺治疗的群体都没有显示完整的时间阶记忆记忆,而只有接受组合病变的组只能显示出就地和空间识别存储器。在空间工作记忆测试中没有发现组之间的差异。我们的数据表明,机车,情感和传感器因素不太可能混淆内存测试的结果。因此,多巴胺能前脑突起的相互作用,特别是纽粒子瘤多巴胺和内侧预偏移皮质对于对象识别存储器至关重要,但不是在大鼠中用于空间工作记忆。



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