首页> 外文期刊>International journal of petroleum science and technology >An Effective Routing for Managing of Critical Issues in Resource Constrained System

An Effective Routing for Managing of Critical Issues in Resource Constrained System


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The most important rationale of multipath routing approach is to accomplish data reliability, security as well as load balancing. Due to nature of multipath routing that employs redundant paths, multipath routing can mostly deal with security, reliability as well as load balancing issues thus, multipath routing plays a significant responsibility in wireless sensor networks. A variety of techniques have been projected in designing proficient multipath routing protocols. Routing concerning single path is easy and scalable, however does not resourcefully convince the requests of resource controlled wireless systems. Multipath routing is a different routing method, which chooses several paths for distribution of data from source towards destination. In our work we put forward the protocols of multipath routing and the advantages in terms of security, reliability as well as load balancing issues. Multipath routing can prevail over important drawbacks concerning single path routing method since it can make available consistent data transmission, constant distribution of network traffic, as well as data security. Multipath routing approach is employed to make progress from failures and helps load balance to keep away from network congestion, which gets better data reliability.
机译:多径路由方法最重要的基本原理是实现数据可靠性,安全性以及负载平衡。由于采用冗余路径的多路径路由的性质,多径路由大多数处理安全性,可靠性以及负载平衡问题,因此多径路由在无线传感器网络中起着重大责任。在设计熟练的多径路由协议方面已经投影了各种技术。关于单路径的路由很容易且可扩展,但不受资源控制资源控制的无线系统的要求。多径路由是一种不同的路由方法,它选择了几条路径,用于从源向目的地分发数据。在我们的工作中,我们提出了在安全性,可靠性以及负载平衡问题方面提出了多径路由和优势的协议。多径路由可以通过关于单路径路由方法的重要缺点来实现,因为它可以提供一致的数据传输,网络流量的常数分布以及数据安全性。 Multipath路由方法用于从故障取得进展,并有助于负载平衡以远离网络拥塞,从而获得更好的数据可靠性。



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