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Experimental Studies On Fiber Reinforced Concrete


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The concepts of using fibres in order to reinforce matrices weak in tension is more than 4500 years old since Portland cement concrete started to be used widely as a construction material attempts were made to use fibres for arresting cracks enhance the strength etc. The development of fibre reinforcement for concrete was very slow before 1960's. Fibers are generally used as resistance of cracking and strengthening of concrete. In this project we are going to compare the compressive strength of 3, 7 and 28 days of aramid fibres to the ordinary concrete and fibre reinforced concrete i.e. glass fibres and steel fibres. The concrete is design for M20 grade of concrete. According to various research papers, it has been found that steel fibers give the maximum strength in comparison and glass fibre is used for crack resistance but aramid simultaneously gives strength and can be used for crack resistance. Now a days there exists many reinforcement techniques for improving the strength of those materials which lacks load carrying and less durable capacity. Fiber reinforced concrete has been successfully used in slabs on grade, shotorete, architectural panels, precast products, offshore structures, structures in seismic regions, thin and thick repairs, crash barriers, footings, hydraulic structures and many other applications. This review study is a trial of giving some highlights for inclusion of aramid fibers especially in terms of using them with new types of concrete.



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