首页> 外文期刊>Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica: Official Publication of the Nordisk Forening for Obstetrik och Gynekologi >Is there an association between sonographically determined occipito-transverse position in the second stage of labor and operative delivery?

Is there an association between sonographically determined occipito-transverse position in the second stage of labor and operative delivery?


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Objective. To evaluate if ultrasound-determined occipito-transverse position early in the second stage of labor is associated with operative delivery. Design. Retrospective review of two prospective cohort studies. Setting. An Australian tertiary referral hospital. Population. Women with term, cephalic singleton pregnancies. Methods. Retrospective analysis of data from two prospective studies. Logistic regression was undertaken to assess the independent contribution of the occipito-transverse position to operative delivery. Main outcome measure. Operative delivery (cesarean section, forceps or vacuum extraction). Results. Among 422 women included, the occipito-transverse position was present in 80, occipito-anterior in 303 and the occipito-posterior in 39. Compared with occipito-anterior, the adjusted odds ratio for operative delivery was 2.1 (95% confidence interval 1.2-3.8, p = 0.02) for the occipitotransverse position, and 7.4 (95% confidence interval 3.2-17) for the occipitoposterior position. Factors that independently predicted operative delivery were nulliparity, abnormal second stage cardiotocography, maternal place of birth and epidural analgesia. The length of second stage of labor was longer for the occipito-transverse group than for the occipito-anterior group (median 2 h 7 min vs. 1 h 36 min, p = 0.003). Conclusion. The occipito-transverse position early in the second stage of labor was associated with an increased operative delivery rate.
机译:目的。为了评估第二阶段分娩早期超声确定的枕横位是否与手术分娩有关。设计。两项前瞻性队列研究的回顾性回顾。设置。澳大利亚三级转诊医院。人口。足月,头颅单胎妊娠的妇女。方法。对两项前瞻性研究数据的回顾性分析。进行逻辑回归以评估枕横位对手术分娩的独立贡献。主要结果指标。手术分娩(剖宫产,钳子或抽真空)。结果。在422例女性中,枕骨横位出现在80位,枕骨前位出现在303位,枕骨后位出现在39位。与枕骨前位相比,手术分娩的调整优势比为2.1(95%置信区间1.2-枕骨横位为3.8,p = 0.02)枕骨后位为7.4(95%置信区间3.2-17)。独立预测手术分娩的因素有无效性,二期心动图异常,产妇产地和硬膜外镇痛。枕骨横断组的第二阶段分娩时间长于枕骨前部组(中位2 h 7 min vs. 1 h 36 min,p = 0.003)。结论。分娩早期的横枕位置与手术分娩率增加有关。



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