首页> 外文期刊>Clinical neuroradiology. >Mechanical Thrombectomy in Basilar Artery Occlusion: Presence of Bilateral Posterior Communicating Arteries is a Predictor of Favorable Clinical Outcome

Mechanical Thrombectomy in Basilar Artery Occlusion: Presence of Bilateral Posterior Communicating Arteries is a Predictor of Favorable Clinical Outcome


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Background Mechanical thrombectomy (MT) of basilar artery occlusions (BAO) is a subject of debate. We investigated the clinical outcome of MT in BAO and predictors of a favorable outcome. Material and Methods A total of 104 MTs of BAO (carried out between 2010 and 2016) were analyzed. Favorable outcome as a modified Rankin scale (mRS) ≤ 2 at 90 days was the primary endpoint. The influence of the following variables on outcome was investigated: number of detectable posterior communicating arteries (PcoAs), patency of basilar tip, completeness of BAO and posterior circulation Alberta Stroke Program early computed tomography score (PC-ASPECTS). Secondary endpoints were technical periprocedural parameters including symptomatic intracra-nial hemorrhage (sICH). Results The favorable clinical outcome at 90 days was 25% and mortality was 43%. The rate of successful reperfusion, i.e. modified thrombolysis in cerebral infarction (mTICI)≥ 2b was 82%. Presence of bilateral PcoAs (area under the curve, AUC: 0.81, odds ratio, OR: 4.2, 2.2-8.2;p < 0.0001), lower National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) on admission (AUC: 0.74, OR: 2.6, 1.3-5.2; p < 0.01), PC-ASPECTS > 9 (AUC: 0.72, OR: 4.2, 1.5-11.9; p < 0.01), incomplete BAO (AUC: 0.66, OR: 2.6, 1.4-4.8; p < 0.001), and basilar tip patency (AUC: 0.66, OR: 2.5, 1.3-4.8; p < 0.01) were associated with a favorable outcome. Stepwise logistic regression analysis revealed that the strongest predictors of favorable outcome at 90 days were bilateral PcoAs, low NIHSS on admission, and incomplete BAO (AUC: 0.923, OR: 7.2, 3-17.3; p < 0.0001). Conclusion The use of MT for BAO is safe with high rates of successful reperfusion. Aside from baseline NIHSS and incomplete vessel occlusion, both known predictors of favorable outcome in anterior circulation events, we found that collateral flow based on the presence or absence of PcoAs had a decisive prognostic impact.
机译:背景技术机械血栓切除术(MT)基底动脉闭塞(BAO)是辩论的主题。我们调查了BAO和预测因子的临床结果。分析了物质和方法,共分析了104米的BAO(2010年至2016年间)。有利的结果作为改进的Rankin Scale(MRS)≤2在90天内是主要终点。研究了以下变量对结果的影响:可检测后沟通动脉(PCOAS)的数量,基底尖端的通畅,BAO的完整性和后循环艾伯塔省笔划计划早期计算断层扫描评分(PC方面)。次要终点是技术围剖参果参数,包括症状颅内出血(SICH)。结果90天有利的临床结果为25%,死亡率为43%。成功再灌注速率,即脑梗死(MTICI)≥2B的改性溶栓为82%。双侧PCOAs(曲线下的区域,AUC:0.81,赔率比,或:4.2,2.2-8.2; P <0.2-8.2; P <0.0001),较低的国家卫生冲程量表(NIHSS)(AUC:0.74,或:2.6) ,1.3-5.2; p <0.01),PC方面> 9(AUC:0.72,或4.2,1.5-11.9; P <0.01),不完全BaO(AUC:0.66,或:2.6,1.4-4.8; P < 0.001),且基底尖端通畅(AUC:0.66,或:2.5,1.3-4.8; P <0.01)与有利的结果有关。逐步逻辑回归分析显示,90天有利结果的最强预测因子是双侧PCOAS,入院的低NIHS,并不完整BaO(AUC:0.923,或7.2,3-17.3; P <0.0001)。结论使用Mt for Bao是安全的,高速再灌注。除了基线NIHS和不完全血管闭塞之外,在前循环事件中有利的结果的已知预测因子,我们发现基于PCOA的存在或不存在的抵押品具有决定性的预后影响。



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