A'/> STEMI with fluctuating closing of LAD and Cx

STEMI with fluctuating closing of LAD and Cx


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Abstract Case report of the male with an anterior STEMI to whom a primary PCI is performed. The angiogram shows a fluctuating close of the LAD and Cx than when an OCT is performed does not clearly see any pathological findings but when the IVUS is performed, it is clearly seen as a coronary haematoma at the LM, LAD and Cx. Stent at the LM-LAD and proximal Cx are implanted with final good result. After exchanging the guiding catheter for a diagnostic catheter to visualize the RCA, there is an aortic flap; the coronary haematoma was coming from an ascending aortic dissection. The CT confirms the type A aortic dissection and the patient is sent to urgent surgery where it seems that the point of intimal disruption is close to brachiocephalic trunk; a supracommissural ascending aortic replacement is performed. After several complications the patient did well and he is alive. Although the patient got the right approach, as we focused on the coronary arteries we did not realized there was an aortic dissection until the end of the procedure. Highlights ? Male with an anterior STEMI; the angiogram shows a fluctuating close of LAD and Cx. ? No pathological findings at OCT, but the IVUS shows a hematoma at LM, LAD and Cx. ? Stents at the LM–LAD and proximal Cx are implanted with final good result. ? After exchanging the guiding catheter to visualize the RCA, there is an aortic flap. ? The patient is sent for a supracommissural ascending aortic replacement. ]]>
机译:<![cdata [ 抽象 使用主PCI的前Stepi的案例报告。血管造影显示LAD和CX的波动关闭,而COX比在进行OCT时没有清楚地看到任何病理结果,而是当进行IVUS时,它在LM,LAD和CX中清楚地被视为冠状动脉血肿。 LM-LAD和近端CX的支架植入最终结果。交换用于诊断导管的引导导管以便可视化RCA,存在主动脉瓣;冠状动脉血肿来自上升的主动脉夹层。 CT证实了类型的主动脉夹层,患者被送到紧急手术,似乎似乎内部破坏的程度接近肱骨躯干。进行了一所上升的主动脉置换替代品。经过几次并发症后,患者做得很好,他活着。虽然患者获得了正确的方法,所以我们专注于冠状动脉,但我们没有意识到直到程序结束时存在主动脉解剖。 突出显示 男性,具有前蹄液;血管造影显示LAD和CX的波动关闭。 < CE:PARA ID =“P1365”查看=“全部”> OCT没有病理发现,但IVUS显示LM,LAD和CX的血肿。 LM-LAD和近端CX的网管植入最终良好结果。 在交换引导导管以便可视化RCA后,存在主动脉瓣。 患者被发送用于Supracimsalulational升序主动脉置换。 < / CE:列表> ]]>



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