首页> 外文期刊>Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica. Section B, Soil and Plant Science >Improved soybean production after inoculation with Bradyrhizobium japonicum

Improved soybean production after inoculation with Bradyrhizobium japonicum


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Inoculation of legumes with Rhizobium or Bradyrhizobium spp. is a common agricultural practice used to increase the yields of legumes without adding nitrogen (N) fertilizers. Rhizobial populations in the soil exist as saprophytes and are able to use a diverse range of energy sources including almost all organic compounds. The presence of the legume host plant stimulates the Rhizobium populations in the rhizosphere, where the inoculants have to compete for nutrients with the existent microbial community, including the native Rhizobium populations (McDermott et al., 1991). Therefore, it is not surprising that population densities have been positively correlated not only with the presence of legumes and vigour of legume growth but also with other biotic factors such as soil organic matter. Abiotic factors such as clay content, soil pH, base saturation, mineral N status, mean annual rainfall and irradiance also affect population densities (Bezdicek, 1972; Hitbolt et al., 1985; Hurse & Date, 1992; Bushby, 1993). Other studies, however, have not shown any simple relationship between population density and specific environmental parameters (George et al., 1987; Bottomley, 1992). In order to investigate whether naturalized soil strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum in Argentine soils can compete successfully for nodulation and make a better contribution to the crops than inoculated strains, a field experiment was set up using strains of B. japonicum of different origins.
机译:用根瘤菌或缓生根瘤菌属菌种接种豆类。是一种常见的农业实践,用于在不添加氮(N)肥料的情况下提高豆类的产量。土壤中的根瘤菌种群以腐生植物的形式存在,并能够使用包括几乎所有有机化合物在内的多种能源。豆科植物寄主植物的存在刺激了根际中的根瘤菌种群,在那里接种物必须与现有的微生物群落竞争营养,包括天然的根瘤菌种群(McDermott等,1991)。因此,人口密度不仅与豆类的存在和豆类生长的活力呈正相关,而且与其他生物因子(如土壤有机质)呈正相关也就不足为奇了。非生物因素,例如粘土含量,土壤pH,碱饱和度,矿物质N状况,年平均降雨量和辐照度也影响人口密度(Bezdicek,1972; Hitbolt等,1985; Hurse&Date,1992; Bushby,1993)。然而,其他研究并未显示出人口密度与特定环境参数之间的任何简单关系(George等,1987; Bottomley,1992)。为了研究阿根廷土壤中的日本根瘤菌是否能成功竞争结瘤并比接种的菌株对农作物有更好的贡献,使用不同来源的日本根瘤菌进行了田间试验。



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