首页> 外文期刊>Biodiversity and Conservation >Assessment of the status of wild populations of land snail (escargot) Helix pomatia L. in Moldova: the effect of exploitation

Assessment of the status of wild populations of land snail (escargot) Helix pomatia L. in Moldova: the effect of exploitation


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Helix pomatia L., the Roman snail, is a species faced with growing commercial interest in Moldova. Its life history characteristics (slow maturation and recruitment, high mortality among juveniles and low fecundity) along with its strong spatial aggregation, makes it especially vulnerable to exploitation. In this study, differences in density, shell size and age distribution were assessed in 7 unexploited and 10 exploited sites in the northern and central parts of Moldova A significant impact of exploitation on snail population densities, shell size of adult snails and age distribution was revealed. Exploited sites had much lower densities than unexploited ones and in two places no live snails were found. This may suggest that exploitation is currently carried out at an unsustainable level, but additional information on the demography of populations and intensity of exploitation is required in order to make inferences regarding sustainability and long-term population management There was a higher proportion of adult snails in exploited sites than in nonexploited, because of the collection strategies: not only adults, but also all other age groups are gathered. Bigger adult shell size in exploited sites may be related to lower population density but further study is required to confirm this. Establishing of well-organized population monitoring systems and development of snail breeding enterprises are proposed in order to conserve the species rn Moldova.
机译:罗马蜗牛Helix pomatia L.是在摩尔多瓦面临日益增长的商业兴趣的物种。它的生活史特征(缓慢的成熟和补充,少年的高死亡率和低繁殖力)以及强烈的空间聚集,使其特别容易受到剥削。在这项研究中,评估了摩尔多瓦北部和中部7个未开发地区和10个开发地区的密度,壳大小和年龄分布的差异。揭示了开发对蜗牛种群密度,成年蜗牛壳大小和年龄分布的重大影响。 。被开发的地点的密度比未开发的地点低得多,在两个地方没有发现活蜗牛。这可能表明目前的剥削工作在不可持续的水平上进行,但是需要更多有关人口人口统计资料和剥削强度的信息,以便就可持续性和长期人口管理做出推论。由于收集策略的原因,被开发的地点比未被开发的地点要多:不仅是成年人,而且还收集了所有其他年龄段的人。被剥削地点的成年贝壳较大可能与较低的种群密度有关,但需要进一步的研究来证实这一点。为了保护摩尔多瓦的物种,建议建立组织良好的种群监测系统并发展蜗牛育种企业。




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