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On the fractal nature of Penrose tiling


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An earliest preoccupation of man has been to find ways of partitioning infinite space into regions having a finite number of distinct shapes and yielding beautiful patterns called tiling. Archaeological edifices, everyday objects of use like baskets, carpets, textiles, etc. and many biological systems such as beehives, onion peels and spider webs also exhibit a variety of tiling. Escher's classical paintings have not only given a new dimension to the artistic value of tiling but also aroused the curiosity of mathematicians. The generation of aperiodic tiling with five-fold rotational symmetry by Penrose in 1974 and the more recent production of decorated pentagonal tiles by Rosemary Grazebrook have heightened the interest in the subject among artists, engineers, biologists, crystallographers and mathematicians(1-5). In spite of its long history, the subject of tiling is still evolving. In this communication, we propose a novel algorithm for the growth of a Penrose tiling and relate it to the equally fascinating: subject of fractal geometry pioneered by Mandelbrot(6). The algorithm resembles those for generation of fractal objects such as Koch's recursion curve, Peano curve, etc. and enables consideration of the tiling as cluster growth as well. Thus it clearly demonstrates the dual nature of a Penrose tiling as a natural and a nonrandom fractal. [References: 10]
机译:人类最早关注的是找到将无限空间划分为具有有限数量的不同形状并产生称为平铺的美丽图案的方法。考古建筑,日常使用的物品(例如篮子,地毯,纺织品等)以及许多生物系统(如蜂箱,洋葱皮和蜘蛛网)也呈现出多种平铺方式。埃舍尔的古典绘画不仅给拼贴的艺术价值赋予了新的维度,而且引起了数学家的好奇。彭罗斯(Penrose)在1974年产生了具有五次旋转对称的非周期性平铺,罗斯玛丽(Rosemary Grazebrook)最近生产了装饰性的五角形瓷砖,这引起了艺术家,工程师,生物学家,晶体学家和数学家的兴趣(1-5)。尽管拼贴历史悠久,但拼贴的主题仍在不断发展。在这次交流中,我们提出了一种用于Penrose拼贴生长的新颖算法,并将其与同样引人入胜的Mandelbrot(6)提出的分形几何主题相关。该算法类似于用于生成分形对象(例如Koch的递归曲线,Peano曲线等)的算法,并且还可以将平铺视为集群增长。因此,它清楚地证明了Penrose拼贴作为自然和非随机分形的双重性质。 [参考:10]



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