首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Polymer Science >Water vapor sorption kinetics of wood modified with glutaraldehyde

Water vapor sorption kinetics of wood modified with glutaraldehyde


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The modifying effects of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) wood with the crosslinking agent glutaraldehyde (GA) on the water vapor sorption kinetics were studied by curve fitting the experimental isotherm sorption data obtained using a Dynamic Vapor Sorption apparatus using the parallel exponential kinetics model (PEK model) and the Hailwood-Horrobin model (H-H model) for the isotherm. Both the H-H model and the PEK model provided good fits to the experimental data. Modification of wood with GA reduced both the time to equilibrium and the equilibrium moisture content (EMC). According to the PEK and H-H models, the reduction in EMC was mainly due to the decrease of moisture content (MC) associated with the slow sorption processes and polylayer water. The fast sorption processes and monolayer water were little affected by GA modification. Compared to the untreated control, the estimated total water absorbed by wood treated to a WPG of 20.9% at 100% RH decreased by 52.2%, by extrapolating the fitted curves derived from the H-H model.
机译:通过使用平行指数动力学模型通过动态蒸气吸附设备对等温线吸附数据进行曲线拟合,研究了交联剂戊二醛(GA)对苏格兰松木(Pinus sylvestris L.)木材对水蒸气吸附动力学的改性作用。 (PEK模型)和Hailwood-Horrobin模型(HH模型)用于等温线。 H-H模型和PEK模型都很好地拟合了实验数据。用GA改性木材可以减少达到平衡所需的时间和平衡含水量(EMC)。根据PEK和H-H模型,EMC的降低主要是由于与缓慢的吸附过程和多层水有关的水分含量(MC)的降低。快速吸附过程和单层水几乎不受GA修饰的影响。与未处理的对照相比,通过推断从H-H模型得出的拟合曲线,在100%RH下处理为WPG为20.9%的木材的估计总吸水量减少了52.2%。



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