首页> 外文期刊>The Lancet >Climate change and health [1]

Climate change and health [1]


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The Lancet Commission on Health and Climate strongly urged the health sector to tackle climate change, especially from a mitigation perspective, which is a step forward from the traditional focus on health sector adaptation. We laud the authors' portrayal of climate change not just as the "biggest global health threat", but also the "greatest global health opportunity", terms that resound with both a sense of urgency and optimism, qualities that are the hallmark of global health. While we welcome this surge of optimism, we also bring to attention some features of the report that must be approached with caution. First, the summary lacks adequate emphasis on the critical role of developed countries in mitigation. Instead, the "2200 coal-fired plants currently proposed", were emphasised, which may be interpreted as disproportionate blame on developing countries. Many of these coal projects receive funding from governments of developed countries. If we are to ensure that no additional coal plants are constructed in developed or developing countries, a solid call for coal divestment should have been recommended by the Commission. Norway's recent divestment shows how actions in developed countries can paralyse the further spread of coal use in the developing world. Second, the report gives an impression of developed countries, with available technology for better energy access and mitigation of climate change, as suppliers of solutions to developing countries.



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