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Chikungunya fever.


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In today's Lancet, Patrick Bodenmann and Blaise Genton1 report a traveller who spent time in Mauritius, had several mosquito bites during the trip, and developed chikungunya fever. In southeast Asia, this virus causes large outbreaks and virtually disappears for long periods, probably as asymptomatic cases. The natural cycle of the virus is human-mosquito-human and in west Africa the epizootic cycle involves monkeys.Several species of Aedes mosquitoes are associated with chikungunya fever, but A aegypti and A albopictus are the two most important vectors in human beings.The manifestations in Bodenmann and Genton's patient are common features of chikungunya fever; the patient developed a rash on the third day, her high temperature subsided 6 days after onset of symptoms, and she had diffuse arthralgia on both hands. Arthralgia can persist for a few days to many weeks.Since late 2004, there has been a large outbreak of chikungunya fever in countries nearthe Indian Ocean.34 Diagnosis is usually made by IgM-capture ELISA. However, PCR is useful for diagnosis with acute samples. Treatment is largely symptomatic, as in Bodenmann and Genton's case.
机译:在今天的《柳叶刀》上,Patrick Bodenmann和Blaise Genton1报告说,一位旅行者在毛里求斯度过时光,在旅途中被蚊子叮咬,并出现了基孔肯雅热。在东南亚,这种病毒会引起大规模爆发,并在很长一段时间内消失,甚至可能是无症状的情况。该病毒的自然周期是人-蚊-人,在西非,流行病周期涉及猴子。伊蚊的几种与基孔肯雅热有关,但埃及伊蚊和白纹伊蚊是人类两个最重要的媒介。 Bodenmann和Genton患者的表现是基孔肯雅热的常见特征。患者在第三天出现皮疹,症状发作后6天高温消失,双手弥漫性关节痛。关节痛可以持续数天至数周。自2004年底以来,印度洋附近国家大面积爆发了基孔肯雅热。34通常通过IgM捕获ELISA进行诊断。但是,PCR可用于诊断急性样本。与Bodenmann和Genton的情况一样,治疗主要是对症治疗。



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