首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Chemical Physics >Liquid-vapor criticality in a fluid of charged hard dumbbells

Liquid-vapor criticality in a fluid of charged hard dumbbells


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The vapor-liquid criticality of a fluid of charged hard dumbells is investigated empolying grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations and mixed-field finite-size scaling methods.The reduced critical temperature and density obtained are T~*_c=0.04911+-0.00003 and rho~*_c=0.101+-0.003,respectively.The crtical temperature is very close to that of the resricted primitive model(RPM) for ionic fluids,while the critical density is approx 25% larger than that of the RPM.The "fits" to the Ising ordering operator distribution are good,and are of similar quality to those found for the RPM with systems operator distribution are good,and are of similar quality to those found for the RPM with systems of comparable size.however,for the finite-sizesystems simulated,the constant volume heat capacity,C_V gives no indication of an Ising-type"divergence"at T_c.This is analogous to the RPM,and serves to demonstrate that this still puzzling behavior is not restricted to that model.
机译:结合大经典蒙特卡罗模拟和混合场有限尺寸缩放方法,研究了带电硬哑铃流体的气液临界性,得到的降低的临界温度和密度为T〜* _c = 0.04911 + -0.00003和rho〜 * _c = 0.101 + -0.003分别。临界温度非常接近于离子流体的限制原始模型(RPM),临界密度比RPM的临界密度大约高25%。 Ising有序操作员分布良好,并且质量与为RPM找到的质量与系统操作员分布相似,并且与具有相同大小的RPM发现的质量相似。但是,对于有限大小的系统模拟得出,恒定的容积热容量C_V在T_c处没有显示出Ising型的“散度”。这类似于RPM,并用来证明这种仍然令人困惑的行为并不局限于该模型。



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