
Going round the bend: Persistent personal biases in walked angles


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For navigation through our environment, we can rely on information from various modalities, such as vision and audition. This information enables us for example to estimate our position relative to the starting position, or to integrate velocity. and acceleration signals from the vestibular organ and proprioception to estimate the displacement due to self-motion. To better understand the mechanisms that underlie human navigation we analysed the performance of participants in an angle-walking task in the absence of visual and auditory signals. To this end, we guided them along paths of different lengths and asked them to turn by an angle of 90. We found significant biases in turn angles, i.e. systematic deviations from the correct angle and that these were characteristic for individual participants. Varying path length, however, had little effect on turn accuracy and precision. To check whether this idiosyncrasy was persistent over time and present in another type of walking task, we performed a second experiment several weeks later. Here, the same participants were guided to walk angles with varying amplitude. We then asked them to judge whether they had walked an angle larger or smaller than 90 in a two-alternative forced-choice paradigm. The personal bias was highly correlated between the two experiments even though they were conducted weeks apart. The presence of a persistent bias in walked angles in the absence of external directional cues indicates a possible error component for navigation, which is surprisingly time stable and idiosyncratic. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:为了在我们的环境中导航,我们可以依靠来自各种模式的信息,例如视觉和听觉。例如,此信息使我们能够估计相对于起始位置的位置,或对速度进行积分。以及来自前庭器官和本体感受的加速度信号,以估计由于自身运动引起的位移。为了更好地理解人类导航的基础机制,我们分析了在没有视觉和听觉信号的情况下进行角度行走任务时参与者的表现。为此,我们沿不同长度的路径引导他们,并要求它们以90度角转弯。我们发现转弯角存在明显偏差,即与正确角度的系统偏差,这些偏差是每个参与者的特征。但是,改变路径长度对转弯精度和转弯几乎没有影响。为了检查这种特质是否随着时间的流逝而持久并且存在于另一种步行任务中,几周后我们进行了第二次实验。在这里,相同的参与者被引导以不同幅度的行走角度。然后,我们要求他们判断他们是否在两种选择的强制选择范式中走过的角度大于或小于90。即使两个实验间隔数周,他们的个人偏见还是高度相关的。在没有外部方向提示的情况下,在行走角度上存在持续的偏差表示导航可能存在误差,这是令人惊讶的时间稳定性和特质。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd.保留所有权利。



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