首页> 外文期刊>Acta Horticulturae >Influence of Abiotic Factors on Changing Scenario of Tea Mosquito Bug (Helopeltis antonii Sign.) Infestation on Cashew in Chhattisgarh

Influence of Abiotic Factors on Changing Scenario of Tea Mosquito Bug (Helopeltis antonii Sign.) Infestation on Cashew in Chhattisgarh

机译:非生物因素对恰蒂斯加尔邦腰果茶蚊虫(Helopeltis antonii Sign。)侵染情况的影响

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The world production of cashew is estimated to be around 20.83 lakh tons. India's share in the world raw nut production accounts to about 25%. The targets for nut production are 16 lakh tons for the year 2015. In India, cashew cultivation area has increased from 706 to 780 thousand ha during 1998-99 to 2003-04 but average productivity remained 800 kg/ha. There are various factors responsible for yield reduction in cashew, in which the insect pest problem is a major one. Among them the tea mosquito bug (TMB - Helopeltis antonii Sign.) is the important limiting factor. Both the nymph and adult of tea mosquito bug suck the sap from the tender shoots, young leaves, inflorescence, developing apple and nuts. Looking to pest problem a survey was conductedon weekly basis in randomly selected trees in an adult cashew plantation of different blocks of District-Jagdalpur as well as S.G. College of Agriculture & Research Station, IGKV, Jagdalpur (C.G.) during 2004-05 to 2010-11 to study the infestation and intensity of tea mosquito bug. To study the influence of climatic factors weather data were collected from the meteorological observatory of S.G. College of Agriculture & Research Station, IGKV, Jagdalpur (C.G.) and correlation was also analyzed. The damage of TMB was seen from November to June in flushing to fruiting stage of the cashew trees. The TMB damage varied from 0.02-12.30 and 0.05-16.46% on shoot and panicle in 2004-05 to 2010-11, respectively. The maximum and minimum temperature had significantpositive influence and relative humidity (morning and evening) had significant negative influence on TMB damage both on shoot and panicle in majority of the observing years. The rainfall had not much influence on infestation of this insect pest.
机译:据估计,世界腰果产量约为208.3万吨。印度在世界原坚果生产中所占的份额约为25%。 2015年坚果产量目标为160万吨。印度的腰果种植面积在1998-99年至2003-04年间从706公顷增加到780千公顷,但平均生产力仍为800公斤/公顷。腰果减产有多种因素,其中害虫是主要问题。其中茶蚊虫(TMB-Helopeltis antonii Sign。)是重要的限制因素。若虫和成虫的茶蚊虫都会从嫩芽,幼叶,花序,发育中的苹果和坚果中吸收汁液。为寻找病虫害问题,在2004-05至2010年期间,每周对Jagdalpur区不同地区的成年腰果种植园和Jagdalpur(CG)IGKV SG农业研究站的成年腰果进行随机调查, 11研究茶蚊虫的侵扰和强度。为了研究气候因素的影响,从Jagdalpur(C.G.)IGGV的S.G.农业与研究站气象台收集了气象数据,并分析了相关性。从11月至6月,在腰果树开花期,TMB受到破坏。在2004-05至2010-11年间,TMB对芽和穗的伤害分别为0.02-12.30和0.05-16.46%。在大多数观察年中,最高和最低温度对TMB对茎和穗的伤害均具有显着的正影响,而相对湿度(早晨和傍晚)对TMB损伤具有显着的负面影响。降雨对这种害虫的侵害影响不大。



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