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Common biochemical defects linkage between post-traumatic stress disorders, mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) and penetrating TBI


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Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a complex mental disorder with psychological and emotional components, caused by exposure to single or repeated extreme traumatic events found in war, terrorist attacks, natural or man-caused disasters, and by violent personal assaults and accidents. Mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) occurs when the brain is violently rocked back and forth within the skull following a blow to the head or neck as in contact sports, or when in close proximity to a blast pressure wave following detonation of explosives in the battlefield. Penetrating TBI occurs when an object penetrates the skull and damages the brain, and is caused by vehicle crashes, gunshot wound to the head, and exposure to solid fragments in the proximity of explosions, and other combat-related head injuries. Despite clinical studies and improved understanding of the mechanisms of cellular damage, prevention and treatment strategies for patients with PTSD and TBI remain unsatisfactory. To develop an improved plan for treating and impeding progression of PTSD and TBI, it is important to identify underlying biochemical changes that may play key role in the initiation and progression of these disorders. This review identifies three common biochemical events, namely oxidative stress, chronic inflammation and excitotoxicity that participate in the initiation and progression of these conditions. While these features are separately discussed, in many instances, they overlap. This review also addresses the goal of developing novel treatments and drug regimens, aimed at combating this triad of events common to, and underlying, injury to the brain. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)是一种具有心理和情感成分的复杂精神障碍,由暴露于战争,恐怖袭击,自然或人为灾难中发现的一次或多次极端创伤事件以及暴力人身攻击和事故引起。轻度创伤性脑损伤(TBI)是指在接触运动中头部或颈部受到打击后,在颅骨内剧烈来回摇动大脑,或在战场中爆炸物爆炸后紧贴爆炸压力波时发生。当物体穿透头骨并损害大脑时,会发生穿透性TBI,这是由于车辆撞车,头部受到枪击伤,爆炸附近暴露于固体碎片以及其他与战斗有关的头部受伤所致。尽管进行了临床研究并且对细胞损伤的机制有了更深入的了解,但对于PTSD和TBI患者的预防和治疗策略仍然不尽人意。为了制定治疗和阻碍PTSD和TBI进展的改进计划,重要的是确定潜在的生化变化,这些变化可能在这些疾病的发生和发展中起关键作用。这项审查确定了三种常见的生化事件,即氧化应激,慢性炎症和兴奋性毒性,这些事件的发生和发展。尽管分别讨论了这些功能,但在许多情况下它们是重叠的。这篇综述还解决了开发新的治疗方法和药物方案的目标,旨在对抗这种常见于脑部和潜在性脑部损伤的事件。 (C)2014 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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