首页> 外文期刊>触媒 >The decomposition of nitrogen oxides on Pd(110); An angular and velocity distribution study of desorbing product

The decomposition of nitrogen oxides on Pd(110); An angular and velocity distribution study of desorbing product


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Angular and velocity distributions of desorbing N_2,N_2O, and NO molecules were studied in the decomposition ofNO and N_2O on a palladium (110) surface at both thermaldesorption and steady state conditions by means of a cross-correlation time-of-flight techniques. In TD measurements, theresults of N_2 desorption were very similar in bothdecompositions of NO and N_2O although the desorption peakedround 500 K in the NO decomposition, and below 180 K in theother. Desorbing N_2 molecules are characterized by a sharp off-normal emission in a plane along the (001) direction and thehyperthermal velocity with the mean translational energy of 0.47-0.22 eV. The desorption of N_2O showed a cosine angulardistribution and a Maxwellian velocity distribution at the surfacetemperature, indicating a complete accommodation with thesurface. Similar dosorption dynamics was confirmed in SSmeasurement. It is concluded that N_2O produced on the surfaceis the intermediate for the decomposition of NO on Pd (110).
机译:利用互相关飞行时间技术研究了在热解吸和稳态条件下,钯(110)表面上NO和N_2O的分解过程中,解吸的N_2,N_2O和NO分子的角速度分布。在TD测量中,尽管在NO分解过程中解吸峰达到500 K左右,而在另一分解过程中解吸峰低于180 K,但在NO和N_2O分解中N_2解吸的结果非常相似。解吸的N_2分子的特征是在沿(001)方向的平面中会出现尖锐的非正态发射,并且具有平均转换能为0.47-0.22 eV的超热速度。 N_2O的解吸在表面温度下显示出余弦角分布和麦克斯韦速度分布,表明与表面完全适应。在SS测量中证实了类似的吸附动力学。可以得出结论,表面上产生的N_2O是Pd(110)上NO分解的中间体。



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