首页> 外文期刊>癌と化学療法 >A case of gastric cancer with peritoneal dissemination who achieved five-year survival by successive treatments with TS-1 alone and in combination with other drugs

A case of gastric cancer with peritoneal dissemination who achieved five-year survival by successive treatments with TS-1 alone and in combination with other drugs


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The patient was a 65-year-old male with gastric cancer. Peritoneal disseminations were detected during distal gastrectomy. CDDP and mitomycin C were administered into the peritoneal cavity. Administration of TS-1 was begun and continued without adverse effects. After 33 months, a high dose of CDDP was administered twice in combination with TS-1, because elevation of serum CEA levels and paraortic lymphnode swelling were observed for the first time. A partial response was obtained, but an elevation of CEA was seen again in three months. We then tried weekly administration of paclitaxel, and a complete response was achieved in three months. After three months'rest from chemotherapy, a third regrowth of the tumor was observed. Paclitaxel was ineffective, and so we opted for weekly administration of low-dose CDDP combined with TS-1, which led to the third recovery. Biweekly administration of CPT-11 combined with TS-1 followed the low-dose CDDP and was successfully continued five years after the surgery. The treatment course in this patient was fully suggestive for patients with advanced or recurrent gastric cancer because the use of newly available chemotherapeutic agents in turn was effective at each recurrence of the tumor and achieved five-year survival with minimal hospitalization.
机译:该患者是一名65岁的男性胃癌患者。在远端胃切除术中检测到腹膜播散。将CDDP和丝裂霉素C施用至腹膜腔中。开始并继续进行TS-1的给药,而没有副作用。 33个月后,由于首次观察到血清CEA水平升高和腹膜旁淋巴结肿胀,因此将高剂量的CDDP与TS-1联合给药两次。获得了部分反应,但三个月后再次观察到CEA升高。然后,我们尝试每周一次施用紫杉醇,并在三个月内获得了完全的反应。化疗休息三个月后,观察到肿瘤的第三次再生长。紫杉醇无效,因此我们选择每周一次低剂量CDDP联合TS-1的给药,这导致了第三次恢复。低剂量CDDP后每两周CPT-11联合TS-1给药,并在手术五年后成功继续。该患者的治疗过程完全提示患有晚期或复发性胃癌的患者,因为依次使用新近可用的化学治疗剂对每次肿瘤复发均有效,并且仅需极少的住院治疗即可实现五年生存。



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