首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Sustainable Agriculture >Effects of Farmyard Manure and Combined N and P Fertilizer on Sorghum and Soil Characteristics in Northeastern Ethiopia

Effects of Farmyard Manure and Combined N and P Fertilizer on Sorghum and Soil Characteristics in Northeastern Ethiopia


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The soils of the semi-arid areas of northeastern Ethiopia are poor in soil nutrients owing to intensive soil erosion, continuous cereal growing, and age-old cultivation. Consequently, low soil fertility is the most severe constraint to smallholder crop production and to sustainable food security. Farmers in northeastern Ethiopia are also very poor in resource endowment and are incapable of supplying the nutrient requirements of crops through commercial fertilizers. Therefore, integrated nutrient management through the combined use of mineral and organic fertilizer sources is of great importance for the sustainable improvement of soil productivity in intensive cropping systems. This study evaluated the integrated use of mineral fertilizers at the rates of 0%, 50% and 100% of the recommended rates and the organic fertilizer source (farmyard manure, FYM) at the rates of 0, 5, 10, and 15 t ha~(-1). The results indicated that the highest significant grain yield increases were obtained when 15 t ha~(-1)YM was applied with 50% and 100% of the recommended levels of mineral fertilizers followed by application of 101 ha~(-1) FYM alone. These yield increments gave yield benefits of 50%, 51%and 47% over the control. In addition both FYM and mineral fertilizer application positively influenced stover yield and panicle weight. Four years' application of FYM at the rates of 10 and 15 t ha~(-1)increased the soil total N content by 17 to 24%, organic carbon by 13 to 26%, available P by 67 to 85%, K by 42 to 79% and Mg by 6 to 30% compared to the plot lacking FYM application in the 0-20 cm soil depth.
机译:埃塞俄比亚东北部半干旱地区的土壤由于土壤侵蚀加剧,谷物连续生长和古老的耕作而缺乏土壤养分。因此,低土壤肥力是小农作物生产和可持续粮食安全的最严重制约因素。埃塞俄比亚东北部的农民的资源end赋也非常贫乏,无法通过商业肥料满足作物的营养需求。因此,通过联合使用矿物和有机肥料源进行综合养分管理对集约化耕作系统中土壤生产力的可持续提高非常重要。这项研究评估了以建议用量的0%,50%和100%的比例综合使用矿物肥料和以0、5、10和15 t ha的比例综合使用有机肥料源(农场肥料,FYM) 〜(-1)。结果表明,在15 t ha〜(-1)YM施用推荐量的50%和100%的矿物肥料,然后单独施用101 ha〜(-1)FYM时,谷物的最高增产幅度最高。 。这些产量的增加使产量比对照提高了50%,51%和47%。此外,FYM和矿物肥料的施用均对秸秆产量和穗重产生积极影响。以10和15 t ha〜(-1)的比例施用FYM四年,土壤总氮含量增加了17%至24%,有机碳增加了13%至26%,有效磷增加了67%至85%,钾增加了与在0-20厘米土壤深度缺乏FYM应用的地块相比,其含量为42%至79%,镁含量为6%至30%。



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