首页> 外文期刊>Journal of ornithology >Reduction of nestlings' vocalizations in response to parental alarm calls in the Southern House Wren, Troglodytes musculus

Reduction of nestlings' vocalizations in response to parental alarm calls in the Southern House Wren, Troglodytes musculus

机译:减少南部小W(Troglodytes musculus)的父母警报声引起的雏鸟发声

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Breeding birds often give alarm calls when a predator is near the nest. These calls have been proposed to serve as distraction displays for the predator, alerts for a mate conveying information about the presence of a threat, or a warning for nestlings about a potential risk. These functions, however, may not be mutually exclusive. In our study, we assessed if alarm calls uttered by breeding Southern House Wrens, Troglodytes musculus, are made to warn nestlings about risk. If so, we expected that nestlings would reduce overall activity in the nest and that the parents' call rate would be related to the detectability of the young (e.g., vocalizations). We experimentally elicited parents' alarm calls and compared nestling behavior before and after giving that stimulus. We found that Southern House Wren nestlings reduced their time spent vocalizing and remained inactive for longer when their parents called. Therefore, nestlings reduced their detectability by decreasing their activity inside the nest when their parents produced alarm calls. On the other hand, parental calling rates were not related to the nestling activity registered in any experimental stage. Therefore, we failed to find reliable results supporting the hypothesis that parent calling is uttered to silence nestlings. These results appear to indicate that alarm calling by breeding birds might fulfill other functions besides alerting nestlings. Future studies of this species are necessary to understand if parents are warning nestlings about a threat when they emit alarm calls.
机译:当掠食者靠近巢穴时,繁殖鸟类通常会发出警报。这些呼叫已被提议用作捕食者的分心显示器,向伴侣发出警报以传达有关威胁存在的信息,或向雏鸟发出有关潜在风险的警告。但是,这些功能可能并不相互排斥。在我们的研究中,我们评估了是否通过繁殖南方家W(Troglodytes musculus)发出警报来警告雏鸟风险。如果是这样,我们希望雏鸟会减少鸟巢中的总体活动,并且父母的召唤率将与年轻人的可检测性(例如发声)相关。我们实验性地激发了父母的警钟,并比较了给予该刺激前后的雏鸟行为。我们发现,Southern House Wren雏鸟减少了发声的时间,并在父母打来电话时保持更长的时间不活动。因此,当其父母发出警报时,雏鸟会通过减少其在巢内的活动来降低其可检测性。另一方面,父母呼出率与任何实验阶段所记录的雏鸟活动均无关。因此,我们未能找到可靠的结果来支持父母叫出以使雏鸟沉默的假说。这些结果似乎表明,繁殖鸟类发出的警报除了提醒雏鸟外,还可能具有其他功能。有必要对该物种进行进一步的研究,以了解父母在发出警报时是否正在向雏鸟警告威胁。



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