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Soil and Environmental Health: Challenges Ahead


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Soil is the essence of life. Our ancient scriptures make frequent mention of Mother Earth as support for all living organisms in our planet. Of late, the pressure on these vital resources due to rapid industrialization, intensive agriculture and otheranthropogenic activities has led to various kinds of land degradation, environmental pollution and a decline in crop productivity and sustainability. Prominent sources contributing to contaminated load of soils are geogenic, mining and smelting, disposal of municipal/ industrial wastes, use of fertilizers, pesticides and automobiles. Natural contamination of soil and ground water with arsenic, selenium and fluoride in many parts of the world particularly in Astralasia - Pacific water region, arsenic poisoning in Bangladesh, West Bengal (India), China, Thailand, Taiwan. Selenium poisoning in India and fluoride poisoning in India and Pakistan are of great concern to human health (Paroda 1999). Soil contamination also causes deleterious effect on soil biota. Hence a strategy to overcome the soil pollution and maintain soil health is very important.
机译:土壤是生命的本质。我们的古代经书经常提到地球母亲,作为对地球上所​​有生物的支持。最近,由于快速工业化,集约化农业和其他人为活动而对这些重要资源造成的压力导致各种土地退化,环境污染以及农作物生产力和可持续性下降。造成土壤污染的主要来源是地质,采矿和冶炼,市政/工业废物的处置,化肥,农药和汽车的使用。在世界许多地区,特别是在Astralasia-太平洋水域,孟加拉国,西孟加拉邦(印度),中国,泰国,台湾,砷和硒,氟化物对土壤和地下水的自然污染。印度的硒中毒以及印度和巴基斯坦的氟中毒是人类健康的重大问题(Paroda 1999)。土壤污染也对土壤生物群产生有害影响。因此,克服土壤污染和保持土壤健康的策略非常重要。



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