首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Geological Society of India >Study of petrographic composition and depositional environment of the coals from Queen seam of Yellendu area, Godavari valley coalfield, Andhra Pradesh

Study of petrographic composition and depositional environment of the coals from Queen seam of Yellendu area, Godavari valley coalfield, Andhra Pradesh


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The study of coal succession from bore hole No. Q-448 of Yellendu area of the Godavari valley coalfield, Andhra Pradesh reveals that the coals of Queen seam are high volatile bituminous C in rank and have vitrinite reflectance (R_o max %) varying between of 0.52 and 0.62%. The petrographic constitution however, suggests that the depositional site appears to be a slowly sinking and tectonically controlled basin, having received continuous supply of vegetal matter rich resource at regular intervals. The formation of inertinite rich coal suggests, oxidising environment of deposition. The dominance of vitrinite and liptinite constituents in these coals postulates the existence of alternating cold and humid spells. The present study indicates that these coals originated under an alternate oxic and anoxic moor condition.?
机译:对安得拉邦戈达瓦里河谷煤田耶伦杜地区Q-448钻孔的煤演替研究表明,皇后煤层的煤为高挥发性沥青C,其镜质反射率(R_o max%)在0.52和0.62%。然而,岩相学的构造表明,沉积地点似乎是一个缓慢下沉且构造受控的盆地,它以固定的间隔连续获得了丰富的植物性资源。富含惰质岩的煤的形成暗示着沉积的氧化环境。这些煤中的镜质体和脂滑石成分占主导地位,这说明了冷湿交替的存在。本研究表明,这些煤是在有氧和无氧停泊条件下产生的。



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