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Notes on the Old Babylonian Epics of Anzu and Etana


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The following notes are the result of a new edition of the Old Babylonian manuscripts of the epics of Anzu and Etana prepared for the project "Sources of Early Akkadian Literature" (SEAL). SEAL has been funded by the German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development since 2007. This project, headed by N. Wasserman (Jerusalem) and the author, aims to create a systematic and comprehensive corpus of Babylonian and Assyrian literary texts from the third and second millennia B.C.E. This corpus will be pubfished on the internet (www.seal.uni-leipzig.de) and as a separate monograph. It provides transliterations, English translations, short commentaries, bibliographies, and indices of all known epics, hymns, prayers, laments, love-lyrics, incantations, wisdom-literature, and some other genres of Akkadian literature from this period. The Old Babylonian (OB) manuscripts of Anzu and Etana have been edited by C. W. Hess and the author. Some remarks of the former are included here and marked by his name.
机译:以下注释是为“早期阿卡德文学的来源”(SEAL)项目准备的新版的安祖和埃塔纳史诗的旧巴比伦手稿的结果。自2007年以来,海豹突击队一直由德国-以色列科学研究和发展基金会资助。该项目由N. Wasserman(耶路撒冷)和作者领导,旨在从第三部文献中创建系统而全面的巴比伦和亚述文学作品集公元前二千年该语料库将在互联网上发布(www.seal.uni-leipzig.de),并作为单独的专着。它提供了该时期所有已知史诗,赞美诗,祷告,哀叹,爱情抒情诗,咒语,智慧文学和其他一些文学体裁的音译,英文翻译,简短评论,参考书目和索引。 Anzu和Etana的旧巴比伦(OB)手稿已由C. W. Hess和作者编辑。前者的一些评论包括在此处,并用他的名字标记。



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