首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Plant Biology >Influence of plant extracts and microbioagents on physiological traits of faba bean infected with Botrytis fabae

Influence of plant extracts and microbioagents on physiological traits of faba bean infected with Botrytis fabae


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Laboratory and greenhouse experiments were conducted to assess the efficacy of Eucalyptus citriodora, Ipomoea carnea, Cuminum cyminum, Allium sativum and Hyoscyamus muticus leaf extracts, and Streptomyces exfloliatus (S) and Trichoderma harzianum (7) for controlling Botrytis fabae causing chocolate spot disease of faba bean. Laboratory study supported the use of E. citriodora (Ex 1) and I. carnea (Ex 2) extracts than the others for controlling the growth of B. fabae. S + T was the best for inhibiting spore germination followed by Ex 1 + Ex 2 after 8 h of testing, whereas Ex 1 + Ex 2 produced the lowest percent of germination after 16 h. After 4 days, the inhibiting order of the growth of B. fabae was S + T > Ex 1 + Ex 2 > T > Ex 2 > Ex 1 = S. Greenhouse experiments showed the highest activities of peroxidase, catalase and pectinase in the infected plants. These activities were markedly reduced in healthy plants and widely changed by the biocontrol treatments. Applying biocontrol agents to the infected plants increased minerals (N, P, K and Mg), and both Chl biosynthesis and the photosynthetic activity, which in turn led to accumulation of metabolites. This served the plant to resist the detrimental effects of B. fabae on the plant growth and yield. In this concern, the efficiency of test biocontrol agents seemed to be in the order: T + S > Ex 1 + Ex 2 > T > S > Ex 2 > Ex.
机译:进行了实验室和温室试验,以评估柠檬桉,卡布番薯,小茴香,小葱和葡萄丝叶提取物以及链霉菌(S)和哈茨木霉(7)在控制引起葡萄球菌的Fabrytis fabae的功效上的功效。豆角,扁豆。实验室研究表明,使用柠檬提取物(Ex 1)和角叉菜(Ex。carnea)(提取物2)比其他提取物用于控制Fab。fabae的生长。测试8小时后,S + T最能抑制孢子萌发,其次是Ex 1 + Ex 2,而在16 h之后,Ex 1 + Ex 2产生最低的发芽百分比。 4天后,对短双歧杆菌生长的抑制顺序为S + T> Ex 1 + Ex 2> T> Ex 2> Ex 1 =S。温室试验显示,感染的过氧化物酶,过氧化氢酶和果胶酶活性最高。植物。这些活性在健康植物中明显降低,并通过生物防治处理而被广泛改变。将生物防治剂施用于受感染的植物会增加矿物质(N,P,K和Mg),同时增加Chl的生物合成和光合作用,进而导致代谢产物的积累。这使植物抵抗了Fab。fabae对植物生长和产量的有害影响。考虑到这一点,测试生物防治剂的效率似乎在以下顺序中:T + S> Ex 1 + Ex 2> T> S> Ex 2> Ex。



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