首页> 外文期刊>Journal of pediatric epilepsy >Benign infantile epilepsy. A new case with positive response to levetiracetam

Benign infantile epilepsy. A new case with positive response to levetiracetam


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In the last 20 yr, the concept of 'benign infantile epilepsy' has received considerable attention. However, few cases of this condition have been reported. The purpose of this paper is to present a new case of benign infantile epilepsy and suggest new therapeutic options with favorable results. The patient was 11 mo of age who had complex partial seizures with secondary generalization since the age of 4 mo. The episodes were diagnosed as benign infantile seizures. Up to then there had been no optimal control of the seizures with valproic acid. By adding levetiracetam seizures disappeared completely. To our knowledge, this is the first case reporting on the effectiveness of levetiracetam in benign infantile epilepsy. The use of levetiracetam can be a promising alternative when classical drugs do not show optimal results.
机译:在过去的20年中,“良性婴儿癫痫病”的概念受到了广泛关注。但是,几乎没有这种情况的报道。本文的目的是介绍一种良性婴儿癫痫的新病例,并提出具有良好效果的新治疗方案。该患者年龄为11 mo,自4 mo开始有复杂的部分性发作,继发全身性发作。这些发作被诊断为良性婴儿癫痫发作。到那时为止,尚无丙戊酸对癫痫发作的最佳控制。通过添加左乙拉西坦,癫痫发作完全消失。据我们所知,这是第一个报道左乙拉西坦在婴儿良性癫痫中的有效性的病例。当传统药物未显示最佳结果时,左乙拉西坦的使用可能是有希望的替代方法。



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