首页> 外文期刊>Journal of paleolimnology >Comparison of radiocarbon and OSL dating methods for a Late Quaternary sediment core from Lake Ulaan, Mongolia

Comparison of radiocarbon and OSL dating methods for a Late Quaternary sediment core from Lake Ulaan, Mongolia


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Both radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating methods were applied to test their suitability for establishing a chronology of arid-zone lacustrine sediments using a 5.88-m-long core drilled from Lake Ulaan, southern Mongolia. Although the radiocarbon and OSL ages agree in some samples, the radiocarbon ages are older than the corresponding OSL ages at the 550-cm depth horizon (late Pleistocene) and in the 100-300-cm interval (early to late Holocene). In the early to late Holocene, radiocarbon ages are consistently older than OSL ages by 4,100-5,800 years, and in the late Pleistocene by 2,700-3,000 years. Grain-size analysis of early to late Holocene sediments and one late Pleistocene sediment sample (550-cm depth) indicates that eolian processes were the dominant sediment-transport mechanism. Also, two late Pleistocene sediments samples (from 400- to 500-cm depths) are interpreted to have been deposited by both eolian and glaciofluvial processes. Accordingly, the radiocarbon ages that were older than the corresponding OSL ages during the Holocene seem to have been a consequence of the influx of 14C-deficient carbon delivered from adjacent soils and Paleozoic carbonate rocks by the westerly winds, a process that is also active today. In addition to the input of old reworked carbon by eolian processes, the late Pleistocene sediments were also influenced by old carbon delivered by deglacial meltwater. The results of this study suggest that when eolian sediment transport is suspected, especially in lakes of arid environments, the OSL dating method is superior to the radiocarbon dating method, as it eliminates a common 'old-carbon' error problem.
机译:放射性碳和光激发发光(OSL)测年方法都被用于测试其是否适合使用蒙古南部乌兰湖钻出的5.88米长的岩心建立干旱区湖相沉积物的年代学。尽管某些样品中的放射性碳年龄与OSL年龄一致,但在550 cm深度层(更新世晚期)和100-300 cm间隔(早至全新世)中,放射性碳年龄比相应的OSL年龄大。在全新世早期至晚期,放射性碳年龄始终比OSL年龄大4,100-5,800年,而在更新世晚期则为2,700-3,000年。全新世早期至晚期沉积物的粒度分析和一份晚更新世沉积物样品(深度为550 cm)表明风成过程是主要的沉积物运移机制。同样,两个晚更新世沉积物样品(400-500厘米深度)被解释为是通过风积和冰川流过程沉积的。因此,在全新世时期比相应的OSL年龄大的放射性碳年龄似乎是由于来自西风的邻近土壤和古生碳酸盐岩石输送的14 C缺乏碳的涌入的结果,这一过程在今天也很活跃。除了通过风成过程输入旧的返工碳外,晚更新世的沉积物还受到冰河融水输送的旧碳的影响。这项研究的结果表明,当怀疑风沙沉积物运输时,特别是在干旱环境的湖泊中,OSL测年方法优于放射性碳测年方法,因为它消除了常见的“老碳”误差问题。



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