首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environmental Quality >Impact of Gypsum Applied to Grass Buffer Strips on Reducing Soluble P in Surface Water Runoff

Impact of Gypsum Applied to Grass Buffer Strips on Reducing Soluble P in Surface Water Runoff


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The threat of P transport from land applied manure has resulted in water quality concerns. Research was conducted to evaluate gypsum as a soil amendment applied to grass buffer strips for reducing soluble P in surface runoff. A simulated concentrated flow was created in an established tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) pasture. Poultry litter (PL) was applied at a rate of 250 kg N ha-1 to the upper 3.05 m of each plot, while gypsum was applied at rates of 0, 1, 3.2, and 5.6 Mg ha-1to the lower 1.52 m of the plot functioning as a grass buffer strip. Two 30-min runoff events (4 L min-1) were conducted, immediately after PL application and 4 wk later to determined soluble P concentration in the surface water samples. The greatest concentration of soluble P was in the runoff event occurring immediately after the PL application. Gypsum applied to grass buffer strips was effective in reducing soluble P concentrations (32-40%) in surface runoff, while the untreated buffer strip was somewhat effective in reducing soluble P (18%). No significant differences were observed between gypsum rates, suggesting that land managers would achieve the greatest benefit from the lowest application rate (1Mgha-1). In the second runoff event, although concentrations of soluble P in the surface water runoff were greatly reduced, the effect of gypsum had disappeared. Thus, these results show that gypsum is most effective in reducing the initial P losses from PL application when applied to grass buffer strips. The information obtained from this study may be useful in aiding land managers in developing management practices that reduce soluble P loss at the edge of a field.
机译:来自土地施用的肥料的磷运输的威胁导致了水质问题。进行了研究以评估石膏作为土壤改良剂的作用,将其应用于草缓冲带以减少表面径流中的可溶性P。在已建立的高羊茅(Festuca arundinacea Schreb。)牧场中创建了模拟的集中水流。在每个样地的上部3.05 m以250 kg N ha-1的比例施用家禽垫料,而在下部1.52 m以0、1、3.2和5.6 Mg ha-1的比例施用石膏该图用作草缓冲带。施用PL后立即进行两次30分钟径流事件(4 L min-1),之后4 wk进行两次,以测定地表水样品中的可溶性P浓度。可溶性磷的最大浓度是在PL施用后立即发生的径流事件中。施用到草缓冲带上的石膏可有效降低表面径流中的可溶性P浓度(32-40%),而未处理的缓冲带在降低可溶性P方面则有效(18%)。石膏施用率之间没有观察到显着差异,这表明土地管理者将从最低施用率(1Mgha-1)中获得最大收益。在第二次径流事件中,尽管地表径流中的可溶性P浓度大大降低,但石膏的作用消失了。因此,这些结果表明,将石膏施用到草缓冲带上时,石膏最有效地减少了PL施用引起的初始P损失。从这项研究中获得的信息可能有助于协助土地管理者制定减少田间边缘可溶性磷损失的管理实践。



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