首页> 外文期刊>Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development >Domestic Terms of Trade and Resource Transfers from Agriculture: A Case Study of Pakistan

Domestic Terms of Trade and Resource Transfers from Agriculture: A Case Study of Pakistan


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This study has estimated: domestic terms of trade (TOT) for agriculture and its sub-sectors in Pakistan, and implicit taxation of important cropsduring the period 1991-08. The TOT for agriculturethough fluctuating, however, reflect a trend of deterioration over time. Notwithstanding the overall declining trend, agriculture sector experienced improvements in its TOT indices during the 90s; rising from 99.42 in 1990-91 to 109.11 in 1998-99. However, the current decade has witnessed a sharp decline in the TOT index which had fallen to 96.97 by 2007-08. A comparison of the domestic producer prices of major crops with their corresponding international pricesreflects implicit taxation of domestic production during the study period. During 1991-08, annualresource transfers from wheat, basmati paddy, coarse paddy, seed cotton and sugarcane have averaged at $1.25 billion. Resource transfers increased to $1.72 billion per year during 2006-08 with wheat accounting for 81 percent of the total.
机译:该研究估计:巴基斯坦农业及其子行业的国内贸易条件(TOT),以及1991-08年间对重要农作物的隐性税收。然而,农业的总使用时间虽然有所波动,但反映了随着时间推移而恶化的趋势。尽管总体呈下降趋势,但在90年代,农业部门的TOT指数有所提高。从1990-91年的99.42上升到1998-99年的109.11。但是,当前十年中TOT指数急剧下降,到2007-08年已降至96.97。将主要农作物的国内生产者价格与其相应的国际价格进行比较,可以反映出在研究期间对国内生产产生的隐性税收。 1991-08年间,小麦,巴斯马蒂稻谷,粗稻,籽棉和甘蔗的年均资源转移额平均为12.5亿美元。 2006-08年间,资源转移额增加到每年17.2亿美元,小麦占总量的81%。



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