首页> 外文期刊>Journal of health communication >Perceptions of health care provider communication activity among American cancer survivors and Adults Without Cancer Histories: an analysis of the 2003 Health Information Trends Survey (HINTS) Data.

Perceptions of health care provider communication activity among American cancer survivors and Adults Without Cancer Histories: an analysis of the 2003 Health Information Trends Survey (HINTS) Data.


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Provider communication is an important determinant of health outcomes. We examined the frequency with which five important communication activities were perceived by cancer survivors and adults without a history of cancer to have been performed by their primary care providers. We analyzed data on more than 5,000 adults drawn from the 2003 Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS), a public dataset of the National Cancer Institute. We analyzed the responses to a question that asked how frequently the respondent's primary care provider had performed the following communication activities in the past 12 months: (1) listening carefully, (2) explaining things, (3) showing respect, (4) spending enough time, and (5) involving the patient in joint decision making. In addition, we compared responses among demographic subgroups. Results showed that regardless of health status or demographic characteristics, the 2003 HINTS respondents reported less than optimal rates of their providers "always" listening carefully, explaining things, showing respect, spending enough time, and involving them in joint decision making. Being Hispanic and having no usual provider or health insurance were associated with a significantly lower frequency of reporting that providers "always" performed the five communication activities (p < .05).
机译:提供者的沟通是健康结果的重要决定因素。我们检查了癌症幸存者和没有癌症病史的成年人由其初级保健提供者进行五次重要交流活动的频率。我们分析了2003年健康信息国家趋势调查(HINTS)(美国国家癌症研究所的公共数据集)中提取的5,000多名成年人的数据。我们分析了对一个问题的回答,该问题询问了受访者的初级保健提供者在过去12个月中进行以下交流活动的频率:(1)认真倾听,(2)解释事情,(3)表示尊重,(4)支出足够的时间,以及(5)让患者参与联合决策。此外,我们比较了人口统计分组之间的反应。结果表明,无论健康状况或人口统计学特征如何,2003年HINTS受访者均称其服务提供者“始终”仔细聆听,解释事物,表示尊重,花费足够的时间并使他们参与共同决策的比率低于最佳水平。由于是西班牙裔美国人,没有通常的医疗服务提供者或健康​​保险,因此,医疗服务提供者“总是”进行了五次交流活动的报告频率明显降低(p <.05)。



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