首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Corrosion Science and Engineering >(v12preprint4)3D Mapping Of Corrosion Rate of Structural Steel and 304 Stainless Steel in Global Marine Environment

(v12preprint4)3D Mapping Of Corrosion Rate of Structural Steel and 304 Stainless Steel in Global Marine Environment


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Corrosion study of structural steel in marine environment is an important parameter for designengineers to predict life of structure. Marine corrosion of steel is a complex process as it isinfluenced by so many parameters of salinity, sulphate , bicarbonates ions, pH, temperature ,dissolved oxygen content etc. These parameters also vary quite lot depending geographicallocations of the structure as well as various depths of sea water in which parts of the structuresare immersed. It would be interesting to find and predict rate of corrosion of structural steelwith any combinations of those variables by performing few laboratory experiments. In thepresent paper attempt has been made to develop a software to find corrosion rate of steel asfunctions of combinations of so many variables data fit for a given geographical location in anocean., by performing some laboratory experiments based on factorial design of experiments.3D mapping of corrosion of steel as function of two variables ,( keeping other variables fixed )have been generated. Endeavors have also been made to predict corrosion rate of mild steel ata particular geographical location and compare it with real field study from literature.



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