首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Phycology >Flocculation of microalgae using cationic starch

Flocculation of microalgae using cationic starch


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Due to their small size and low concentration in the culture medium, cost-efficient harvesting of microalgae is a major challenge. We evaluated the potential of cationic starch as a flocculant for harvesting microalgae using jar test experiments. Cationic starch was an efficient flocculant for freshwater (Parachlorella, Scenedesmus) but not for marine microalgae (Phaeodactylum, Nannochloropsis). At high cationic starch doses, dispersion restabilization was observed. The required cationic starch dose to induce flocculation increased linearly with the initial algal biomass concentration. Of the two commercial cationic starch flocculants tested, Greenfloc 120 (used in wastewater treatment) was more efficient than Cargill C*Bond HR 35.849 (used in paper manufacturing). For flocculation of Parachlorella using Greenfloc 120, the cationic starch to algal biomass ratio required to flocculate 80% of algal biomass was 0.1. For Scenedesmus, a lower dose was required (ratio 0.03). Flocculation of Parachlorella using Greenfloc 120 was independent of pH in the pH range of 5 to 10. Measurements of the maximum quantum yield of PSII suggest that Greenfloc 120 cationic starch was not toxic to Parachlorella. Cationic starch may be used as an efficient, nontoxic, cost-effective, and widely available flocculant for harvesting microalgal biomass.
机译:由于它们的体积小且在培养基中的浓度低,因此经济高效地收获微藻是一项重大挑战。我们使用广口瓶试验实验评估了阳离子淀粉作为絮凝剂收获微藻的潜力。阳离子淀粉是一种有效的絮凝剂,适用于淡水(百草枯,Scendesmus),但不适用于海洋微藻(Phaeodactylum,Nannochloropsis)。在高阳离子淀粉剂量下,观察到分散体再稳定化。诱导絮凝所需的阳离子淀粉剂量随初始藻类生物质浓度线性增加。在测试的两种商品阳离子淀粉絮凝剂中,Greenfloc 120(用于废水处理)比Cargill C * Bond HR 35.849(用于造纸)更有效。对于使用Greenfloc 120絮凝对小球藻而言,絮凝80%的藻类生物质所需的阳离子淀粉与藻类生物质之比为0.1。对于Scenedesmus,需要较低的剂量(比率0.03)。使用Greenfloc 120絮凝对小球藻而言,在5至10的pH范围内与pH无关。对PSII的最大量子产率的测量表明,Greenfloc 120阳离子淀粉对小球藻无毒。阳离子淀粉可用作收获微藻生物质的高效,无毒,经济高效且广泛使用的絮凝剂。



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