首页> 外文期刊>Journal of applied microbiology >The development of new vaccines against Bacillus anthracis

The development of new vaccines against Bacillus anthracis


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The disease anthrax is caused by a bacterium, Bacillus anthracis. Although primarily a disease of animals it can also infect man, sometimes with fatal consequences. Recent interest in the organism has centred on its ability to be employed as a biological weapon; the organism forms heat resistant spores which are easy to produce using commercially available technology and can infect humans via the aerosol route. At the time of the Gulf War it was reported that Iraq had produced and weaponized large quantities of anthrax spores (Zilinska 1997; www.anthrax.osd.mil/). As a consequence of this raised profile a considerable amount of effort has been focused on the development of new therapies that will meet the standards of the 21st century. Vaccination is the most cost-effective form of mass protection. While the first anthrax animal vaccine was developed by Pasteur in 1881, human vaccines did not emerge until the middle of the 20th century. The vaccines currently available provide effective protection but suffer from problems of standardization, are relatively expensive to produce, require repeated dosing and have been associated with transient side-effects. This paper will give a brief overview of the organism, its pathogenicity and the efforts being made to develop new vaccines.
机译:炭疽病是由细菌炭疽杆菌引起的。尽管主要是动物疾病,但它也可以感染人类,有时甚至导致致命后果。最近对生物体的兴趣集中在其被用作生物武器的能力上。生物体形成耐热孢子,可使用市售技术轻松生产,并可通过气溶胶途径感染人类。据报道,在海湾战争期间,伊拉克生产并武器化了大量炭疽孢子(Zilinska,1997; www.anthrax.osd.mil/)。由于这种知名度的提高,已经将相当多的精力集中在开发符合21世纪标准的新疗法上。接种疫苗是最经济有效的大规模保护形式。尽管巴斯德于1881年开发了第一种炭疽动物疫苗,但直到20世纪中叶才出现人类疫苗。当前可用的疫苗提供有效的保护,但是存在标准化问题,生产相对昂贵,需要重复给药并且与短暂的副作用有关。本文将简要概述该生物体,其致病性以及正在开发新疫苗的努力。



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