首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Coordination Chemistry >The phenomenon of conglomerate crystallization. Part 50. The crystallization behavior of [trans-co(en)_2(no_2)_2]cio_4(I), meso-[co-trans-me-(n-me-ethylenediamine)_2-trans-(no_2)_2](II), k[trans-co(#beta#-alaninato)_2(no_2)_2](III) and the isolation

The phenomenon of conglomerate crystallization. Part 50. The crystallization behavior of [trans-co(en)_2(no_2)_2]cio_4(I), meso-[co-trans-me-(n-me-ethylenediamine)_2-trans-(no_2)_2](II), k[trans-co(#beta#-alaninato)_2(no_2)_2](III) and the isolation

机译:团块结晶现象。第50部分。[反式-co(en)_2(no_2)_2] cio_4(I),内消旋-[co-trans-me-(n-me-乙二胺)_2-trans-(no_2)_2]的结晶行为(II),k [trans-co(#beta#-alaninato)_2(no_2)_2](III)和分离

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[trans-co(en)_2(no_2)_2]cio_4(I), crystallizes, at22degC, from a deionized water solution, as a racemate, in spacegroup P1 (no.2), with lattice constants: a=6.581(2)A,b=8.274(1)A, c=12.660(3)A, #alpha#=77.28(2)deg,#beta#=76.58(2)deg, #lambde#=75.20(2)deg; V=638.71;A~3 andd(calc;MW-=370.59, z=2)=1.927gcm~-3. A total of 2233 datawere collected over the range of 4deg <-2#theta#<-50deg; of these,1961(independent and with I>-3#sigma#(I)) were used in thestructural analysis. Data were corrected for absorption(#mu#=15.989cm~-1) and the relative transmission coefficientsranged from 1.6797 to 0.9874. The final R(F) residuals were,respectively, 0.0738 and 0.0763. Two half cations are located atinversion centers; the anions are in general positions.meso-[co-trans-me-(n-me-ethylenediamine)_2-trans-(no_2)_2](II) [(n-meen)=n-methylethylenediami-ne] crystallizes at22degC, from a deionized water solution in space grouppbca(no.61) with alttice constants: a=16.882(5)A, b=11.999(3)A,c=15.017(5)A; V=3039.72A~3 and d (calc; MW =398.64,z=8)=1.742gcm~-3. A total of 5281 data were collected over therange of 4deg <-2#theta#<-50deg; of these , 1779(independent andwith ) I>-2.5#sigma#(I) were used in the structural analysis. Datawere corrected for absorption(#mu#=13.501cm~-1) and thetransmission coefficients ranged from 0.7956 to 0.9947. The finalrefinement of the structure (anisotropic thermal parameters for thehvavy atoms; idealized hydrogens for the cation) are R(F)=0.045and R_w(F)=0.052. The –no_2 ligands are trans to one another inthe axial direction while the N-methyl groups are trans to oneanother across the basal plane. The cations are located in generalpositions and the torsional angles of the en rings are #delta#(n1-c1-c2-n2=52.0deg) and #delta#(n3-c1-c3-c4-c4=51.0deg), incontrast with those of (I) which are of opposite helical chirality.This compound is one of two trans –co(III)x_2 cations of whichwe are aware that, while sitting at a general position of the spacegroup, has two ethylenediamine rings of the same helical chirality.k[trans-co(#beta#-alaninato)_2(no_2)_2](III) obtained afterseveral batches of crystals of (iv) had separated from the motherliquor (see syntheses). (III) crystallizes at 22degC, in space groupc_c(no.9) with lattice constants: a=12.385(6)A, b=13.109(5)A,c=8.290(5)A, #beta#=115.19deg, V=1217.97A~3 andd(calc;MW-=366.22, z=4)=1.997gcm~-3. A total of 1238datawere collected over the range of 4deg <-2#theta#<-50deg; of these,1016 (independent and with I>-2.5#sigma#(I) ) were used in thestructural analysis. Data were corrected forabsorption(#mu#=17.90cm~-1) and the transmission coefficientsranged from 0.5322 to 0.6627. The final R(F) and R_W(F)residuals were, respectively 0.022. Solution of the structure, usingthe first batch of crystals, proved that the compound isolated wasthe (H_5O_2)~+ derivative (see below and Discussion). A alterbatch of crystals contained (III). We have previously observed theprecipitation of hydronium salts, trapped by amine carboxylatosalts of cobalt (see Discussion). The anions consist of two six –membered rings formed by the metal and two (o,n)-bound #beta#-alaninato ligands; and , both have chair conformations.(H_5O_2) [trans-co(#beta#-alaninato)_2(no_2)_2](IV) is thesubstance that first crystalized from an aqueous solution of (III)(see Experimental). It crystallizes, at 22degC, in space groupc_c(no.9)or c2/c (no.15) with lattice constants: a=12.389(39)A,b=13.120(11)A, c=8.299(9)A, #beta#=115.09(19)deg,V=1221.72A~3 and d(calc;MW-=364.15, z=4)=1.980gcm~-3. Anincomplete data set of 1592 reflections was collected over therange 4deg <-2#theta#<-50deg because the crystal decomposes inair due to rapid loss of water of crystallization, as shown bydifferential scanning calorimetry. 956 data were independent withI>-2.5#sigma#(I) and were used in the structural analysis. Datawere not corrected for absorption because of decomposition of thecrystal. The final R(F) and R_w(F) residuals were, respectively,0.1
机译:[trans-co(en)_2(no_2)_2] cio_4(I)在22°C下从去离子水溶液中以消旋体的形式在空间群P1(2)中结晶,晶格常数为a = 6.581(2) A,b = 8.274(1)A,c = 12.660(3)A,#alpha#= 77.28(2)deg,#beta#= 76.58(2)deg,#lambde#= 75.20(2)deg; V = 638.71; A〜3和d(计算值; MW- = 370.59,z = 2)= 1.927gcm〜-3。在4deg <-2#theta#<-50deg的范围内收集了总共2233个数据;其中1961(独立且I> -3#sigma#(I))用于结构分析。校正吸收数据(#mu#= 15.989cm〜-1),相对透射系数在1.6797至0.9874之间。最终的R(F)残差分别为0.0738和0.0763。两个半阳离子位于反演中心。阴离子处于一般位置。中-[co-trans-me-(n-me-乙二胺)_2-trans-(no_2)_2](II)[(n-meen)= n-甲基乙二胺-ne]于22°C结晶,来自空间常数为pbca(no.61)的去离子水溶液,其高度常数为:a = 16.882(5)A,b = 11.999(3)A,c = 15.017(5)A; V = 3039.72A〜3,d(计算值; MW = 398.64,z = 8)= 1.742gcm〜-3。在4deg <-2#theta#<-50deg的范围内,总共收集到5281个数据。其中,1779(独立且具有)I> -2.5#sigma#(I)用于结构分析。对数据进行了吸收校正(#mu#= 13.501cm〜-1),透射系数在0.7956至0.9947之间。结构的最终细化(热原子的各向异性热参数;阳离子的理想氢)为R(F)= 0.045和R_w(F)= 0.052。 –no_2配体在轴向方向上彼此反过来,而N-甲基基团则在整个基面上彼此反过来。阳离子位于一般位置,en环的扭转角为#delta#(n1-c1-c2-n2 = 52.0deg)和#delta#(n3-c1-c3-c4-c4 = 51.0deg)相反该化合物是两个反式-co(III)x_2阳离子之一,我们知道,当它们位于空间群的一般位置时,有两个相同的乙二胺环螺旋手性。k[反式-co(#beta#-丙氨酸)_2(no_2)_2](III)在几批(iv)晶体与母液分离后获得(参见合成)。 (III)在22°C的晶格常数为c_c(no.9)的空间群中结晶:a = 12.385(6)A,b = 13.109(5)A,c = 8.290(5)A,#beta#= 115.19deg, V = 1217.97A〜3和d(计算值; MW- = 366.22,z = 4)= 1.997gcm〜-3。在4deg <-2#theta#<-50deg的范围内总共收集了1238个数据;其中,有1016个(独立且I> -2.5#sigma#(I))用于结构分析。校正吸收数据(#mu#= 17.90cm〜-1),透射系数在0.5322至0.6627范围内。最终的R(F)和R_W(F)残差分别为0.022。使用第一批晶体对结构进行求解,证明分离出的化合物为(H_5O_2)〜+衍生物(请参见下文和讨论)。晶体的另一批包含(III)。以前我们已经观察到水合盐的沉淀,该盐被钴的胺基羧酸盐所捕获(请参见讨论)。阴离子由金属和两个(o,n)结合的#beta#-丙氨酸配体形成的两个六元环组成。 (H_5O_2)[trans-co(#beta#-alaninato)_2(no_2)_2](IV)是首先从(III)水溶液中结晶的物质(请参见实验)。它在22°C时以晶格常数a_12.389(39)A,b = 13.120(11)A,c = 8.299(9)A在空间群c_c(9)或c2 / c(15)中结晶。 ,#beta#= 115.09(19)deg,V = 1221.72A〜3和d(calc; MW- = 364.15,z = 4)= 1.980gcm〜-3。如差示扫描量热法所示,由于晶体由于结晶水的快速损失而在空气中分解,因此在4deg <-2#theta#<-50deg的范围内收集了1592次反射的不完整数据集。 956个数据与I> -2.5#sigma#(I)是独立的,并用于结构分析。由于晶体分解,未对吸收数据进行校正。最终的R(F)和R_w(F)残差分别为0.1



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