
Cataract surgical problem


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A healthy 89-year-old woman reports gradual, progressive, painless bilateral diminution in vision. She has no history of ocular disease and is not being treated for any systemic disorder. She denies ocular trauma.The ocular examination shows a best corrected visual acuity of 20/60 in both eyes with a modest myopic refractive error. The intraocular pressure (IOP) is recorded at 12 mm Hg bilaterally, and both eyes have advanced nuclear cataract. The posterior segment examination is fully normal bilaterally, and a retinal acuity meter evaluation yields a potential acuity of 20/20 for each eye.Anterior segment examination of the left eye shows only a nuclear cataract. However, examination of the right eye shows a thin, colorless, diaphanous membrane within the pupillary space; in addition, a dense nuclear cataract is noted.At cataract surgery, the thin membrane seems to be attached to the anterior lens surface. Moreover, the membrane moves when intracameral anesthetic agent is instilled.Given this unusual finding, how would you proceed with the surgery?
机译:一名健康的89岁女性报告说其视力逐渐,渐进,无痛双侧缩小。她没有眼病史,也没有因任何系统性疾病而接受治疗。她否认眼外伤。眼科检查显示两只眼睛的最佳矫正视力为20/60,且具有适度的近视屈光不正。双眼记录眼内压(IOP)为12 mm Hg,两只眼睛都患有晚期白内障。双侧后段检查完全正常,每只眼睛的视网膜视力计评估得出潜在视力为20/20。左眼的前段检查仅显示核白内障。但是,右眼检查显示瞳孔间隙内有薄而无色的透明膜;此外,在白内障手术中,薄膜似乎附着在晶状体前表面上。此外,滴注腔内麻醉剂后膜会移动。鉴于这个不寻常的发现,您将如何进行手术?



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