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An Experiment for the Undergraduate Biochemistry Laboratory


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This article describes a static method as an alternative to gel chromatography, which may be used as an undergraduate laboratory experiment. In this method, a constant mass of Sephadex gel is swollen in a series of protein solutions. UV–vis spectrophotometry is used to find a partition coefficient, KD, that indicates the fraction of the interior space of the gel bead available to the protein molecule. For a large protein that penetrates the bead pores only marginally, the partition coefficient will be small. For a small protein that penetrates substantially into the interior pore space, the partition coefficient will be large. In practice, a constant weighed quantity of dry gel is swollen in a series of protein solutions of different volumes. After equilibration, the supernatant is sampled and the absorbance at 280 nm is measured and compared to the absorbance of the original protein solution. A linear plot is made according to equations developed in this article, and the partition coefficient is found from the intercept. The method is reliable so long as sufficient care is taken in sample preparation.
机译:本文介绍了一种静态方法,可以替代凝胶色谱法,该方法可以用作本科实验室实验。在这种方法中,恒定质量的Sephadex凝胶在一系列蛋白质溶液中溶胀。紫外可见分光光度法用于找到分配系数KD,该系数表示蛋白质分子可利用的凝胶珠内部空间的分数。对于仅少量渗透珠孔的大蛋白,分配系数将很小。对于基本上渗透到内部孔空间中的小蛋白质,分配系数将很大。实际上,恒定重量的干凝胶在一系列不同体积的蛋白质溶液中溶胀。平衡后,取样上清液并测量在280 nm处的吸光度,并将其与原始蛋白质溶液的吸光度进行比较。根据本文开发的方程式绘制线性图,并从截距中找到分配系数。该方法是可靠的,只要在样品制备中足够注意即可。



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