首页> 外文期刊>Journal of biomedical materials research, Part A >Degradation and biocompatibility of a poly(propylene fumarate)-based/alumoxane nanocomposite for bone tissue engineering

Degradation and biocompatibility of a poly(propylene fumarate)-based/alumoxane nanocomposite for bone tissue engineering


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In this work, we evaluated the in vitro cytotoxicity and in vivo biocompatibility of a novel poly(propylene fumarate) (PPF)-based/alumoxane nanocomposite for bone tissue engineering applications. The incorporation of func-tionalized alumoxane nanoparticles into the PPF-based polymer was previously shown to significantly increase the material's flexural mechanical properties. In the current study, samples underwent accelerated in vitro degradation to allow the study of biological responses to these materials over the course of their degradation on a shortened timescale. The polymer, a macrocomposite composed of the polymer and micron-sized particles, and the nanocomposite were evaluated at three stages of degradation for in vitro cytotoxicity with a fibroblast cell line and in vivo soft-tissue response after 3 and 12 weeks of implantation in adult goats. All three material groups experienced mass loss during degradation, but the nanocomposite group eroded significantly faster than the other groups. Nonde-graded materials demonstrated minimal cytotoxicity and a minor inflammatory response in soft tissue. On the contrary, predegraded samples elicited more pronounced responses, though these were due to the increase in surface area, surface roughness, and fragmentation associated with the degradation process. The presence of alumoxane nanoparticles in the PPF-based nanocomposite did not significantly affect its cytotoxicity or biocompatibility.



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