
Detection of improper fixation in MTI photoscreening images.


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PURPOSE: To determine the effect of fixation shift on photoscreening crescents, the ability of human interpreters to detect fixation shift, and the potential improvement by image processing. METHODS: MTI photoscreening (Medical Technologies & Innovations, Inc, Lancaster, PA) images, measured at 11 positions of gaze, were obtained from 10 subjects (9 with refractive error warranting spectacle correction). Photographs were taken with subjects fixating at 20, 15, 10, and 5 cm to the left and the right of the camera fixation target (1 m distant); 5 cm above and below the camera fixation target; and on-axis. Photographs were inspected by 11 experienced raters, who indicated if the subject appeared to be looking directly at the camera. The photographs were digitized, enlarged, contrast enhanced, and measured by 3 raters. For each photograph, distance from the corneal light reflex to the nasal limbus was measured and a measure of asymmetry computed. RESULTS: Raters could reliably detect off-axis fixation greater than 10 cm away from the intended fixation target. Raters correctly identified on-axis subject viewing 73% of the time. Crescents became larger when the fixation shifted off-axis for both the myopic and hyperopic subjects. Image analysis correctly classified 10 of 10 on-axis measurements and 34 of 39 off-axis measurements. CONCLUSION: Direct inspection of photoscreening images by trained raters can result in the failure to detect small but relevant errors of fixation. These fixation shifts can cause crescents to become larger than expected, resulting in false-positive classification. Image analysis offers a potential improvement in the detection of off-axis fixation in MTI photoscreening images.
机译:目的:确定注视移位对光敏新月的影响,人类解释者检测注视移位的能力以及图像处理的潜在改进。方法:从10位受试者(其中9位屈光不正需要矫正眼镜)获得在11个凝视位置上测量的MTI光幕(Medical Technologies&Innovations,Inc,Inc,Lancaster)。拍摄对象固定在相机固定目标左右两侧(相距1 m)20、15、10和5 cm处的照片;摄像机固定目标上方和下方5厘米;和同轴。 11位经验丰富的评分员对照片进行了检查,他们指出对象是否似乎直接看着相机。将照片数字化,放大,增强对比度,并由3个评分者进行测量。对于每张照片,测量从角膜光反射到鼻缘的距离,并计算不对称度。结果:评估者可以可靠地检测到距预期固定目标10 cm以上的离轴固定。评分者正确地识别了73%的时间在轴上观看对象。当近视和远视受试者的注视偏离轴时,新月形就会变大。图像分析正确地分类了10个轴向测量中的10个和39个轴向测量中的34个。结论:由训练有素的评分员直接检查光敏筛查图像可能会导致无法检测到微小但相关的注视错误。这些注视变化可能导致新月形变得比预期的大,从而导致假阳性分类。图像分析可提供MTI筛选图像中离轴注视的潜在改进。



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