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Implementation of cross-compliance in the area of animal welfare


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From 1 January 2007, requirements concerning animal welfare were introduced with effect to cross-compliance. Farmers receiving single payment as well as agri-environmental payments (payments of second pillar) shall respect the statutory management requirements of the following 3 directives in the area of animal welfare: Council Directive 91/629/EEC laying down minimum standards for the protection of calves; Council Directive 91/630/EEC laying down minimum standards for the protection of pigs; Council Directive 98/58/EC concerning the protection of animals kept for farming purposes. The competent authority shall carry out annual systematic inspections on at least 1% of all farmers submitting payments on the basis of a risk analysis and partly at random. In case of non-compliance with the conditions due to specific rules, there will be a reduction or cancellation of the payments to be granted in the calendar year in which non-compliance occurs. Cross-compliance controls should take place on the basis of documented procedures so as to ensure that these controls are carried out uniformly and are of a consistently high quality. For this purpose, a working group composed of representatives from the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection and from the Lander developed uniform control reports in order to monitor compliance and a guidance booklet for control execution of animal welfare requirements. In the control report (Level 1), the outcomes of inspections of all systematic testable animal welfare requirements are summarized in 6 items. Furthermore, the non-systematically testable requirements are integrated in the control report as a independent item. The guidance booklet (Level 2) with a matrix of validation serves as a specification for on-the-spot checks. Where appropriate, on-the-spot checks provided for cross-compliance and any other checks in animal welfare rules as well as requirements to animal identification and registration shall be carried out at the same time in Baden-Wurttemberg (integrated control system). Farmers subjected to on-the-spot checks shall be selected on the basis of a centralized common risk analysis and partly at random. This is the best way of safeguarding that the control rate will not be much higher than the established 1% with a minimum administrative burden and costs for farmers and competent control authorities. Integrated check lists for on-the-spot checks were established which take into account systematic cross compliance inspections to improve compliance with 3 existing standards in the area of animal welfare and official controls as proved in Council Directives concerning animal welfare and Regulation (EC) No 882/2004. All staff of the competent authorities performing controls received, for their area of competence, appropriate training enabling them to make their duties competently and to carry out controls in a consistent manner. Integrated systematic controls are very time-consuming and a burden for farmers and the competent authorities. For the beginning of this year, we will expect a discharge by Decision (EC) 2006/778. A controlling system was installed to ensure that cross compliance rules are applied consistently, for example by making subsequent controls by controlling institutions.
机译:自2007年1月1日起,引入了有关动物福利的要求,以实现交叉遵守。接受一次性付款以及农业环境付款(第二支柱的付款)的农民应遵守以下三个有关动物福利领域的指令的法定管理要求:理事会指令91/629 / EEC规定了保护动物的最低标准小牛理事会指令91/630 / EEC规定了保护猪的最低标准;理事会第98/58 / EC号指令,关于保护用于饲养目的的动物。主管当局应根据风险分析,至少部分随机地对提交付款的所有农民中的至少1%进行年度系统检查。如果由于特定规则而导致条件不符合规定,则在发生不符合规定的日历年中将减少或取消将要支付的款项。交叉遵从性控制应在文件化程序的基础上进行,以确保这些控制是统一执行的,并且质量始终如一。为此,由联邦食品,农业和消费者保护部以及Lander的代表组成的工作组制定了统一的控制报告,以监控法规遵从情况,并编写了控制手册,以控制动物福利的要求。在控制报告(级别1)中,对所有可测试的动物福利系统要求的检查结果总结为6个项目。此外,非系统可测试的要求作为独立项目集成在控制报告中。具有验证矩阵的指导手册(第2级)用作现场检查的规范。适当时,应在巴登-符腾堡州(综合控制系统)同时进行针对交叉遵守的现场检查以及动物福利规则中的任何其他检查以及对动物识别和登记的要求。应在集中的共同风险分析的基础上选择接受现场检查的农民,部分随机选择。这是保证控制率不会比既定的1%高很多的最佳方法,同时对农民和控制主管部门的行政负担和成本也最低。建立了用于现场检查的综合检查清单,其中考虑了系统的交叉符合性检查,以提高对动物福利和官方控制方面的3项现有标准的遵守程度,有关理事会关于动物福利和法规(EC)的理事会指令对此进行了证明。 882/2004。主管部门的所有执行控制的人员均对其职权范围进行了适当的培训,使他们能够胜任其职责并以一致的方式执行控制。集成的系统控制非常耗时,给农民和主管部门带来负担。对于今年初,我们预计将通过2006/778号决定(EC)解除诉讼。安装了控制系统以确保交叉遵从规则得到一致应用,例如,通过控制机构进行后续控制。



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