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ELEA FONUA is 12 years old, but he's already a successful musician with a budding career in reality television. He balances it all with homework, sports, and managing his type 1 diabetes. Lelea, of Phoenix, was diagnosed at the age of 7. Learning he had diabetes was overwhelming for the youngster. "I felt pretty sad because I had to give myself needle shots every day," he says. But within a week of diagnosis, Lelea was giving himself all of his insulin injections, and he soon switched over to an insulin pump. "I was scared, but I got over it." Going to an American Diabetes Association Diabetes Camp? just a few months after he was diagnosed really helped Lelea become more comfortable managing his diabetes. He participated in fun camp activities such as fishing, canoeing, and archery, and he also met lots of other kids who had diabetes, just like him. "I was the only one [with diabetes] in my school at the time," he says. "[But at camp] it felt normal, since everybody was diabetic." While still learning to count carbohydrates, Lelea started acquiring another skill: music. He picked up a ukulele and, with no formal training, began to pluck out his favorite songs from the radio. His dad has helped him along the way, but in the past two years, Lelea has mostly taught himself to play his favorite radio hits, including songs -by Plain White T's and Bruno Mars, putting a soulful twist on the popular jams. When Anne Dennis, senior manager of mission delivery in Arizona for the ADA, approached the Fonuas and suggested that Lelea become a youth ambassador for the Association, Lelea thought he might be able to raise diabetes awareness through his music. He has performed at Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes? events, as well as the Father of the Year Awards in 2012. He's appeared in television news spots, crooning tunes and promoting ADA events. "
机译:ELEA FONUA今年12岁,但他已经是一位成功的音乐人,在真人秀电视领域崭露头角。他通过家庭作业,运动和管理1型糖尿病来平衡这一切。凤凰城的Lelea在7岁时被诊断出患有糖尿病的知识对于年轻人来说是压倒性的。他说:“我感到非常难过,因为我不得不每天给自己打针。”但是在诊断后的一周内,Lelea正在给自己注射所有胰岛素,他很快就换了一个胰岛素泵。 “我很害怕,但是我克服了它。”要去美国糖尿病协会糖尿病营吗?被诊断出仅几个月后,Lelea确实使他对糖尿病的治疗更加自在。他参加了有趣的营地活动,例如钓鱼,划独木舟和射箭,并且他也遇到了许多其他患有糖尿病的孩子,就像他一样。他说:“当时我是学校中唯一的(糖尿病)患者。” “(但在营地)感觉很正常,因为每个人都患有糖尿病。”在仍然学习计算碳水化合物的同时,Lelea开始学习另一项技能:音乐。他拿起了夏威夷四弦琴,未经正式培训,就开始从广播中挑选自己喜欢的歌曲。他的父亲一直为他提供帮助,但是在过去的两年中,Lelea大部分时间都自学成才,演奏了他最喜欢的电台歌曲,包括Plain White T's和Bruno Mars的歌曲,给流行的果酱带来了深刻的转折。当ADA亚利桑那州执行任务的高级经理Anne Dennis走近Fonuas并建议Lelea成为该协会的青年大使时,Lelea认为他可以通过自己的音乐提高对糖尿病的认识。他曾在“走出去:走出去停止糖尿病?活动,以及2012年的年度父亲奖。他出现在电视新闻现场,低调播放并宣传ADA活动。 ”



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