首页> 外文期刊>Zeus syngas refining report >Methanex May Restart Waitara Valley Methanol Plant

Methanex May Restart Waitara Valley Methanol Plant


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Methanex is considering restarting its Waitara Valley Number 2 methanol plant within the next 12 months, Taranaki Daily News reported. The plant has been offline since 2008. It operated at reduced capacity from 2003 to shut-down. Bruce Aitken told the Taranaki Daily News that there was a high probability that the plant would be restarted. A final decision could be made by the end of the year. "We spend hundreds of millions of dollars running these plants so we need to make a good decision," Aitken said. Aitken plans to perhaps have both methanol plants in Waitara Valley operate at full capacity, something that hasn't happened since 2003. "That's what we've done in the past and that's what we plan to do in the future." If brought online the Waitara Valley plant would have a methanol output of 500,000 tonnes and will employ 50 workers.
机译:《塔拉纳基日报》报道,Methanex正在考虑在未来12个月内重启其Waitara谷2号甲醇工厂。该工厂自2008年以来一直处于离线状态。从2003年到停产,该工厂的产能一直处于下降状态。布鲁斯·艾特肯(Bruce Aitken)告诉《塔拉纳基日报》(Taranaki Daily News),该工厂极有可能重启。最终决定可以在今年年底前做出。艾特肯说:“我们花费了数亿美元来运营这些工厂,因此我们需要做出明智的决定。”艾特肯计划也许让怀塔拉河谷的两个甲醇工厂都满负荷运转,这是2003年以来从未发生过的事情。“这是我们过去所做的,也是我们未来计划要做的事情。”如果上线,怀塔拉河谷工厂的甲醇产量将为50万吨,将雇用50名工人。



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