
Readers' Forum


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Just about everyone who reads this column is aware that Heat Treating Progress produces a monthly electronic newsletter called Heat Treating Progress. One of the features of our electronic product is an interactive one, in which we survey our readership on issues relating to their workplace, their jobs, or their industry. In our April 12 eNews, we polled our heat treating readership about which operational or managerial problems were of most concern to them, Survey participants were offered choices from which to select: 49 percent chose rising energy costs; 22 percent rising employee health insurance costs; 20 percent competition from foreign markets; 8 percent other; and 1 percent EPA/OSHA regulations Also part of this survey was a write-in component in which readers could elaborate on any issue The response was varied and copious, so the rest of this column is devoted to what you had to say. In some cases, the responses have been edited for syntax or length.
机译:几乎每个阅读此专栏的人都知道,《热处理进展》每月都会出版一份电子通讯,称为《热处理进展》。电子产品的功能之一是交互式功能,在该功能中,我们针对与读者有关的工作场所,工作或行业的问题调查了读者。在4月12日的《电子新闻》中,我们对热处理读者群进行了调查,以了解他们最关注的运营或管理问题。调查参与者可从中进行选择:49%的人选择能源成本上涨;员工健康保险费用上涨22%;来自国外市场的20%的竞争;其他8%以及1%的EPA / OSHA法规这项调查的一部分是一个可写入的组件,读者可以在其中详细说明任何问题。答复是多种多样的,因此本专栏的其余部分专门针对您要说的内容。在某些情况下,已对响应的语法或长度进行了编辑。



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