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Biometric solutions


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Bevo Farms is integrating biometric technology to track labor with incredible precision and efficiency. With workforce fluctuation and a need to efficiently price products, Gord Vandeburgt of Bevo Farms, a greenhouse in Langley, BC, Canada, has developed a software and hardware package that incorporates biometrics and bar code technology to meet and exceed labor tracking needs. Biometrics literally means "life measurement," but technical applications have used the technology to identify people based on their unique physical characteristics or behavioral traits. Types of biometric methods include fingerprint scanning, iris scanning, retina scanning, handprint recognition, and voice recognition. One recent application is time clocks. This technologycan be crucial to fruit growers as well as anyone who relies on a seasonal labor force. Bevo Farms is the largest greenhouse vegetable propagator in North America. With as many as 120 employees in peak season to as few as 30 with many contract laborers,Bevo Farms realized the need for accurate tracking. The project started as an attempt to accurately record activities in the greenhouse for the purpose of order costing and production management.
机译:Bevo Farms正在整合生物识别技术,以惊人的精度和效率追踪劳动力。由于劳动力的波动和对产品进行有效定价的需求,位于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省兰里市的温室Bevo Farms的Gord Vandeburgt开发了一种软件和硬件套件,该套件结合了生物识别技术和条形码技术,可以满足并超越劳动力追踪的需求。生物统计学从字面上意味着“生命的度量”,但技术应用已使用该技术根据人们的独特身体特征或行为特征对其进行识别。生物识别方法的类型包括指纹扫描,虹膜扫描,视网膜扫描,手印识别和语音识别。时钟是最近的一种应用。该技术对于水果种植者以及任何依赖季节性劳动力的人都至关重要。 Bevo Farms是北美最大的温室蔬菜繁殖者。 Bevo Farms在旺季时拥有多达120名员工,而有许多合同工则只有30名员工,因此意识到了对精确跟踪的需求。该项目开始是为了准确记录温室中的活动,以进行订单成本核算和生产管理。



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