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One billion new customers


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Normalizing trade relations with China, combined with its entry into the World Trade Organization, could mean tremendous opportunities for you. Unless you've visited there, says Karen Reinecke, president of the California Pistachio Commission, it's difficult to appreciate what China's entrance into the world trading market could mean. As recently as 1992 the country was "very Third World." But China 2000 is a very different place. "Everyone -- right down to the little old ladies on the street -- have cell phones," she says. What does it mean for U.S. fruit and nut growers? In the not-too-distant future, there could be more buyers demanding their products. In the past, though China was huge, it was dismissed as being a poor, isolated country with alimited import market. Not any more. "These people want the Western way of life," says Reinecke. "They want to buy imported goods."
机译:与中国的贸易关系正常化,再加上其加入世界贸易组织,可能对您意味着巨大的机会。加州开心果委员会主席卡伦·雷内克(Karen Reinecke)表示,除非您去过那里,否则很难理解中国进入世界贸易市场的意义。直到1992年,该国才是“第三世界”。但是中国2000年是一个非常不同的地方。她说:“每个人-到大街上的小老太太-都有手机。”对美国水果和坚果种植者意味着什么?在不久的将来,可能会有更多的买家要求他们的产品。过去,尽管中国很大,但被认为是一个贫穷,孤立,进口市场有限的国家。不再。赖内克说:“这些人想要西方的生活方式。” “他们想购买进口商品。”



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